Sun Gypsy ( wondering 2024)

Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
The next day we motored to Kent Island in the Walker Group in preparation for our trip around Cape Caution. Our plan was a modified version of Waggoner Pine Island to Egg Island route. We just use the Storm Islands in place of Pine Island. A very uneventful trip, not a breath of wind until Cape Calvert but 2 metre swells all the way. Fury Cove was a welcome stop.IMG_0347.jpeg Cape Calvert from Fury.
IMG_0346.jpeg Just a few boats here so early in the year.
Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
We got a it of sailing in Fitz Hugh Sound the next day as the weather went from sunny to light rain showers. We stopped in a very sheltered inlet, new to us, good holding.
What is late in the season?
crowded season starts when the kids get out of school…… otherwise it’s just us old farts
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Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
Left Fury in bright sunshine and a light breeze. A few tacks up Fitz Hugh and the wind died, the clouds came in and we got a light drizzle. Motored along until we came to an inlet we hadn’t been in before. Very secure with good holding, just beware the rock in the narrow entrance.IMG_0352.jpeg
Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
Another twenty miles up Fitz Hugh we visited Codville Lagoon. It’s another anchorage protected by tidal rapids and a narrow entrance but once inside there is room for all the remainder of the Russian navy.IMG_0354.jpeg IMG_0353.jpeg
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Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
After 3 days in Codville we motored through Lama Passage to Bella Bella for fuel and groceries then to Shearwater for laundry and a night out at the pub. Shearwater used to have good wifi but not this time. System had been down for some time and it didn’t appear to be a priority to fix.
As We were waiting for our guest to arrive I decided it would be a good time to do a little maintenance and it was time for a oil and filter change.
After picking up Donna at Bella Bella we sailed down Seaforth Inlet to Dundivan Bay.IMG_0355.jpeg A lovely little anchorage with a view of Seaforth.
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Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
After a quiet night we motored across Seaforth to Mathieson Channel and had a good sail up to Oscar Passage to Finlayson Channel and into Cloths Bay. We spent 3 nights here while travelling back and forth to Klemtu for fuel, food and a meeting in the longhouse.
IMG_0360.jpeg IMG_0357.jpeg Cloths Bay has room for lots of boats.

IMG_0362.jpeg IMG_0361.jpeg Village ofKlemtu. You can see the longhouse hiding in the trees on the point.
Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
Waggoners says that if you want a little solitude to try the end of Alexander Inlet. So we went there and were all alone… for about 1/2 hour. Some great kayaking and some interesting company.
IMG_0372.jpeg IMG_0371.jpeg
Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
Our guest wanted to see a bit of Fiordland so it was up Finlayson and across Sheep Passage to Mussel Inlet. We spent many hours here exploring by kayak.
To stay out of the restricted area we ended up anchoring in 175 feet of water. The deepest I’ve ever anchored in.
IMG_0378.jpeg Lizette Falls. IMG_0383.jpeg Mussel River estuary IMG_0379.jpeg interesting rock formation

IMG_0376.jpeg IMG_0384.jpeg Views from Mussel Inlet
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Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
Time was getting short for our guest so we started making our way back toward Bella Bella .First stop was Rescue Cove.IMG_0389.jpeg Rescue Cove. IMG_0388.jpeg Mathieson Channel. Not a breathe of wind.

After a night at Rescue we made our way to Oliver Cove Marine Park. A little exploring by kayak in the afternoon then a quiet night. We woke to the first fog of our trip.
IMG_0391.jpeg IMG_0390.jpeg It wasn’t very thick and soon lifted.
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Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
As the fog lifted we made our way to Ivory Island and Seaforth Channel for a great sail to Gunboat Passage and a great little anchorage in Beales Cove.
IMG_0395.jpeg IMG_0407.jpeg IMG_0403.jpeg Lots of sea life in a very snug little anchorage.
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Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
After dropping Donna at the airport in Bella Bella we spent a night at Shearwater to catch up on laundry and buy a few groceries. In the morning we sailed down Lama Channel to the junction with Hunter Channel where we anchored behind Want Island and did a little kayaking.IMG_0414.jpeg IMG_0416.jpeg
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Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
Want Island to Clare Island was a very interesting trip as I wanted to explore Spitfire Passage. I now know that my depth sounder is at least 10 inches below the waterline as we showed 6 feet on the sounder and we draw 6’10”.
IMG_5448.jpeg This is the narrow, shallow part. We were in neutral allowing a light following breeze to maintain steerage way.

IMG_5455.jpeg IMG_5454.jpeg IMG_5453.jpeg A bit scary but it was a rising tide.

IMG_0059.jpeg You could spent a lifetime here and never anchor in the same place twice.
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Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
We were now on the way home. Like a horse knowing that the barn is close we seemed to go faster and farther every day.IMG_5472.jpeg The quiet cove on Clare Island.

IMG_0023.jpeg Fury Cove again in preparation for Cape Caution.

The trip from Fury to Kent Island was done in heavy fog. Radar and chart plotter until we reached Storm Islands where it started to thin and it cleared completely as we reached Kent Island.
IMG_5474.jpeg It was back the next morning as we left for Port McNeil. IMG_5482.jpeg Mac 25 in the fog as we left.
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Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
The trip to Port McNeil was uneventful. Fog until Hardy Head then sunshine and no wind.
IMG_5490.jpeg Port McNeil marina looking toward the ferry terminal.

The weather forecast called for strong northwesterly winds so we decided to sail down Johnstone Strait the next morning. The breeze finally started to fill in as we cleared Cormorant Island so we had a good sail to Port Neville.
IMG_0422.jpeg Port Neville. The dock still appears in good shape but there was no sign of life ashore.

We were off again fairly early the next morning to catch the slack at Race Passage and hopefully the flood to Campbell River.
The flood current was a little stronger than anticipated and we were really early for Seymour Narrows so we stopped at a small marine park behind Chatham Point. We had enough time that Bev decided to make a loaf of bread before catching the end of the flood at Seymour then into Gowlland Harbour ( across from Campbell River) for the night.
IMG_5502.jpeg Rocky Cove Marine Park . The buildings are part of Chatham Point lighthouse complex.

IMG_5504.jpeg Sunset from Gowlland Harbour
Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
On the west side of Georgia Strait there are no harbours between Campbell River and Comox and the weatherman promised more northwesterly winds. However they showed up as southeasterlies and not very consistent so the trip was motor a bit ,sail a bit.
Comox Harbour had a Ranger gathering so rafting was in order. I have never seen so many boats here and it was the first time we had to raft in this harbour.
IMG_0426.jpeg IMG_0429.jpeg IMG_0431.jpeg Moon rise and sunset at the same time.

IMG_0425.jpeg Is this @Will Gilmore s new boat??
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