Companionway leaks?

Sep 24, 2018
O'Day 25 Chicago
I'm finding water on the countertop and in the cabinet under the sink (step is no longer sealed to the countertop). Water is usually found after a rain and we've had a lot of that lately. Any key areas to check on the O'Day 25? Hatchboards have angled slats
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Only way to find the source of the leak is to go high tech on this one.

With the companionway buttoned up, stand inside the cabin near the countertop and have someone gently sprinkle the top of the companionway cover with a spray nozzle and watch where the leak comes from. If gently doesn't show anything, keep upping the deluge until it does leak.
Sep 24, 2018
O'Day 25 Chicago
Out of frustration I collapsed on the seats, looked up and noticed that there was signs of leaking around the bolts that hold some non functioning gauges on the sliding hatch. This is one of the few items that has not been rebedded. The location, when closed, roughly aligns with the water stains on the counter
Mar 2, 2019
Oday 25 Milwaukee
After way too long , I finally tracked down a very elusive leak to the traveller . It was a replacement .
The previous owner never bothered to fill the original mounting holes.
Nor did he bother to seal the new holes . I had water on my counter top and behind the bulkhead..
Sep 24, 2018
O'Day 25 Chicago
After way too long , I finally tracked down a very elusive leak to the traveller . It was a replacement .
The previous owner never bothered to fill the original mounting holes.
Nor did he bother to seal the new holes . I had water on my counter top and behind the bulkhead..
I have rebedded the traveller. It was one of the more difficult items on to rebed on the 25
Mar 2, 2019
Oday 25 Milwaukee
When I removed the myriad of 10/24 nuts and bolts , I wondered how in the hell I was going to get the nuts back up .
I ended up machining an aluminum plate with the holes tapped . I simply ran the screws down to where they stood slightly proud of the fiberglass
and started each one . A layer of Bed -It Tape and I was good to snup the bolts up .
Sep 24, 2018
O'Day 25 Chicago
When I removed the myriad of 10/24 nuts and bolts , I wondered how in the hell I was going to get the nuts back up .
I ended up machining an aluminum plate with the holes tapped . I simply ran the screws down to where they stood slightly proud of the fiberglass
and started each one . A layer of Bed -It Tape and I was good to snup the bolts up .
I rebedded 99% of the boat by myself. Bed it and gorilla helped hold and add friction to fasteners and hold tools in place from the other side. An impact driver was absolutely essential. I used about two feet of wobble extensions to install the nuts under the traveler. I actually considered removing the cabinet for access
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Mar 2, 2019
Oday 25 Milwaukee
I'm going to ask my darling bride to hold the wrench on the nuts for the rest of the cabin fasteners . She's always willing to help .
  • Wow
Likes: jssailem