Trip to Europe (and back) begins


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
We are hugging the coast given the wind and waves predictions. Current position:

35 32.382 N
075 24.350 W
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Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
She'll be comin' round Cape Henry when she comes, when she comes.
She'll be comin' round Cape Henry when she comes...

Anyway, here are two photos as we passed Cape Henry, one looking East and one looking West.





Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Here's this morning's update:
View attachment 223912
We've arrived to home port. Note the little wiggle in the above image? That was the first time my engine has done anything but purr along. It went into safe mode, then shut down. We were like "Oh boy, no wind and we are in the middle of he channel!" We checked oil, coolant, fuel, filters - everything look good. I turn the control panel off and back on again and the engine fired back up. We ran from there slowly all the way to my home port and while maneuvering to come into my slip, it died three times, but started right back... We think it is likely an electrical connection.... I hope it's simply a loose wire somewhere... and it is found easily... It's always something....

But we arrived safe and sound with only those minimal hiccups - current position:

39 05.057 N
076 25.913 W

The trip is done. Dang....

I think I'll do a bit of a write-up about the things I found that worked and those that didn't work. But right now, I'm working on my boat...

Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
it died three times, but started right back...
Good luck with finding the engine gremlins!
Less than 30 miles from the Baltimore Bridge. Maybe the gremlin idea isn't so far fetched. You aren't the only vessel to inexplicably lose power in that area. :poke:

What a terrible accident. My condolences to the family's of the lost.



Aug 9, 2011
Beneteau 310 Cheney KS (Wichita)
I've handed it over to a pro - I'm off to Arizona. But I'm 99.9% sure its electrical.

You have covered a lot of ground, my friend. Safe passage and "hot winds" in AZ.
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