Trip to Europe (and back) begins

May 1, 2011
Pearson 37 Lusby MD
Looking at the playback of Musetta's track, it looks like the anchor is holding much better. The circle on the image is where the boat has been over the past 6 hours.
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Oct 26, 2010
Hunter 40.5 Beaufort, SC
Must be nearly dead calm. With a 40 foot boat assuming the AIS at the top of the mast she must be rotating around the chain/rode hanging nearly straight down.


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
I'm wondering if I should turn my AIS off for awhile, then turn it back on. On my AIS with my anchor alarm set, I'm sitting within a 0.02 nm radius pretty well. But I don't get a track - only where the boat is currently and where it is within that circle.

I will say, it does feel like my anchor has finally settled in well. I did have some wind last night for a time. Nothing crazy, but certainly enough to move the boat around.

@kappykaplan Let me know if turning off my AIS for a time would be good or not..



SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
Your "Garmin Chart Plotter" should have an Anchor Alarm on it.



Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Your "Garmin Chart Plotter" should have an Anchor Alarm on it.

Should, but I can't find it... Looked up the manual for the model I have and it doesn't show me one..

May 1, 2011
Pearson 37 Lusby MD
@kappykaplan Let me know if turning off my AIS for a time would be good or not..
Great question! MT typically only shows me the previous 24 hrs of your track. Here's where it gets strange. The image below shows your position as of 18 minutes ago by satellite - no where near the blob I captured earlier this morning!
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
Looked up the manual for the model
Share a link of
Garmin Model Number.

Remember I have your Radar Manual also. It may also have an Anchor Alarm and I know it has a Radar Guard Zone on it.:cool:


PS: Radar Guard Zone is good thing too


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Great question! MT typically only shows me the previous 24 hrs of your track. Here's where it gets strange. The image below shows your position as of 18 minutes ago by satellite - no where near the blob I captured this morning!
View attachment 223167
Interesting indeed! It's felt like the boat was "sliding" into place for some time. But for some time now, it feels pretty solid. When I got back to my boat yesterday, my anchor alarm had gone off, but at the time I looked, I was within the original circle. I reset the alarm which reset the circle and now things have looking quite stable - but I still would not want to sit out a blow here! If I had too, I think I'd go tie up to a wall...



Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Share a link of
Garmin Model Number.

Remember I have your Radar Manual also. It may also have an Anchor Alarm and I know it has a Radar Guard Zone on it.:cool:


PS: Radar Guard Zone is good thing too
GPSmap 1023 - I have the manual...

I actually just found it. I did a search in the manual for random words related to anchor, alarm, and found it buried down on page 169...

That's nice as I now have both my AIS unit and the chart plotter running with the anchor alarm set. The AIS unit shows me where I was last night, my chart plotter shows me where I am now, and it shows me my track... Very cool!

The smallest radius I can use is 100 feet. I may have to see if I need a larger radius on the chart plotter as I have around 120 to 140 feet of chain out...

Nice thing about the chart plotter is I have detailed maps of where I am. My AIS unit only has detailed maps of the US East Coast, not down here... So I can see exactly where I am w.r.t. the shoreline....


p.s. man was that an obscure place where they put that anchor alarm in this chart plotter!
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
Radar Guard Zone is a good thing too
This is better than AIS when you are Anchored.

Really no night watch is needed when Radar is on.

We were Anchored watching 4th of July fireworks show off Biloxi MS.

We had our Radar Guard Zone set at 1/4 th NMiles

This other boats Dink kept swing into our Guard Zone... Alarming us :facepalm:

Changed Zone to 1/8th NM and slept soundly with our Anchor Alarm too :pimp:

Apr 5, 2009
Catalina '88 C30 tr/bs Oak Harbor, WA
There are also some very nice anchor alarm apps for your phone. I use Anchor Pro and it can act as a repeater. We leave one phone on board when we go to shore and if the boat [phone] drifts out of its guard zone, it will call the phone we have with us to alert us to the boat's movement.
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Likes: Ward H
Oct 26, 2010
Hunter 40.5 Beaufort, SC
I use SailGrib AA. You set where you drop your anchor, then set a distance circle based on the rode out plus some factor. It plots your position showing how you drifted with the wind and tide within your circle and alarms when you go out of your zone. To my knowledge it won't provide a remote notice to you if you are off the boat but I haven't tried. Anchor Pro sounds interesting.
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Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
MT says this is a 5-minute old position:
View attachment 223179
There ya go... Must of gotten its wires crossed... Go figure... Electronics - love em and hate em...

Probably didn't help the anchor alarm went off and I didn't want to reset it because it moves the circle... You can't just keep the same circle when the alarm goes off and you reset the alarm. I've been watching the two units.

I seem quite stable, but there's also not much going on...
