Raytheon Autohelm ST4000 Overhaul

Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Has anyone experienced the endless amusement of working on the drive head of their Raymarine Autohelm ST4000 :mad: ? All models of the ST4000 are applicable. Raytheon is the latest iteration of Raymarine.

Usually I enjoy challenges such as this but with this obstacle, it's almost as if the manufacturer doesn't want to talk about the elephant in your grandparent's parlour.


The pachyderm I'm referring to is the Adjustment eccentric assembly shown as parts #12, 13, 14, & 15 in the below drawing, Figure #7 :


The service manual (attached below) spares no ink in describing how to disassemble a similar part #11, 10, 9, & 8, the Drive eccentric assembly, which a vision impaired man would be quite comfortable with. But that's not my problem. Te problem is with the Adjustment eccentric assembly (parts 12, 13, 14, & 15). All you get is "stuff 'er back together and be done with it" as shown on page 18 of the service manual. No mention of how to first take it apart.


I have tried pushing, pulling, pumping, and humping but nothing will separate these pieces. And I doubt it would separate them because of part #14 which is a lock nut. I have tried to remove the cap, part #15, but all that does is remove chips of plastic from the cap.

Any experience anyone can offer would be most appreciated and as a show of appreciation, I will mention you in my will. No money mind you, but I will mention you :laugh: .

Thanks as always.

PS. I have posted a revised drawing to show the difference between the two eccentric adjusters.


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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
I have the Mk2 version. I have had it apart in pieces. Complete rebuild.
I have had a Mk1, the one I believe you have, in my hand at a consignment shop. I opened the two wheels and looked inside. The pieces were similar but of different materials. In some ways the Mk1 was built with stronger components than the Mk2.

You gain access to the eccentric by removing the 5 (I think that is the number) screws in the plate. To get the eccentric out you flip the wheel unit over remove the pin from the clutch arm. You press the clutch pin sideways out of the clutch arm. The pin runs through the clutch base and thru the eccentric. The pin rotates with the clutch arm turning the eccentric. Parts 11 and 8.

With the eccentric off you can separate the eccentric from the drive wheel #10.
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
Raymarine was spun off from Raytheon.
I believe the old Ray Jefferson brand was the consumer/marine division of Raytheon. Once spun off Ray Marine floundered, nearly went out of business and was rescued by Flir, the makers of low light camera equipment.
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May 1, 2011
Pearson 37 Lusby MD
The company began as a division of the American company Raytheon, a manufacturer of defense systems, when it launched its first echo depth sounder in 1923.

Here's the rest from Wikipedia:
In 1958 Raytheon was able to increase its product offering and market share through the takeover of Apelco.

In 1974 Derek Fawcett, a British-born inventor and long time sailor, founded Nautech. In the beginning, the company had only one product: automatic steering systems for which it used the brand name Autohelm. Due to the great success of these systems, the company was able to offer an ever-wider range of systems. In 1989, Fawcett came up with the SeaTalk network, a digital-communications protocol that allowed Autohelm units to “talk” with other onboard instrumentation via a single-cable connection (a predecessor to contemporary NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 protocols). In 1990 Raytheon purchased Nautech, mainly so the American-based firm could access Nautech's extensive European distribution and sell its radars on the continent.

Due to reorganizations in 1993 and 1998, the current Raymarine - at the time still under the name of the parent company - was created.

In January 2001 Raymarine was formed when the division was acquired in a management buy-out backed by Hg. In December 2004 the company was floated on the London Stock Exchange quadrupling Hg's investment.

In 2005 the company was involved in Ellen MacArthur's solo world circumnavigation.

The Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 hit Raymarine, and the recreational boating industry in general, hard. In May 2010 with Raymarine's lenders forcing the company into administration (the British version of business bankruptcy) the company was acquired by FLIR Systems.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
I called Raymarine for help with the Wheel when mine was failing in 2018. Through the magic of phone systems the call to North Carolina was transferred to A town outside of London. I talked to an engineer, think his name was John. Benn with the company 20 plus years. Focused on the AutoHelm wheel parts of Raymarine - Mk1 & Mk2 versions. Wanted me to return the unit to them. Unknown time to repair. I preferred to explore the repair here. The Wheel and me became involved. Met a fellow living on Salt Springs Island. Makes his own 3D parts for the AutoHelm wheel.
Through several connections I found the parts that had failed on my unit. Removed and replaced in 2021. Now functioning like new.

Your description of the Raymarine corporate saga fits with my experience talking to several of their offices.

The AP has some failure points. Most of them are in materials used and injection mold production. For it’s cost profile and the “size of boat” market it targets, I think it is a good fit for many boat owners.
Jun 21, 2004
Beneteau 343 Slidell, LA
Met a fellow living on Salt Springs Island. Makes his own 3D parts for the AutoHelm wheel.
Through several connections I found the parts that had failed on my unit. Removed and replaced in 2021. Now functioning like new.
The AP has some failure points. Most of them are in materials used and injection mold production. For it’s cost profile and the “size of boat” market it targets, I think it is a good fit for many boat owners.
Awhile ago , I also learned of a guy who fabricated 3-D replacement parts for the Raymarine wheel drive. Had a variety of parts including gears, eccentric, clutch lever, etc. Do an internet search to learn his whereabouts & ordering info. I have also seen excellent videos on You Tube about rebuilding the wheel pilot. Lots of good info out there. Unfortunately, the plastic components that comprise the wheel are prone to breakage.
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Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
I think @jssailem is exactly right….the roll pin has to come out of the clutch lever (pressed out), and the will allow the assembly to lift up (once the plate is removed).

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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
I3DGear business closed.
Not a good omen... I like his stuff and his described mission for why he makes the things he makes. I'm going to check into this.
Sep 12, 2018
Beneteau Oceanis 445 Salt Spring Island on my dock
Don’t worry, I’m still in business! When I go on vacation, the only notice that my e-commerce system allows me to put on the website is Closed for Maintenance. This is a small retirement hobby business, but I plan on making these parts available for a long time still. And I’m working on a way for the printing to be outsourced while I’m on vacation so they’re still accessible for people. I have a passion for reducing needless equipment waste by providing all these sought after parts. I make very little money on it, but I feel it’s an important service.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Oh. That is great news. After our last discussion, right before you left on winter holiday, I got the impression you had grown tired of the process. Your hardware is excellent stuff.
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Your hardware is excellent stuff.
I'll second that after @i3DGear supplied a couple of rollers for my Autohelm, Raytheon, Dingleberry, whatever the hell you want to call it ST 4000. His instructions for disassembly of the unit were spot on where the manufacturer went into excruciating detail on the obvious parts and skimmed over the dubious parts.


Apr 2, 2013
Catalina 310 Niagara-on-the-Lake
Mine broke a couple of years ago, with some epoxy I repaired it. Has been working great since. A bit of a puzzle to disassemble. Wish I could add more to help.


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