I get it…but you can also throw a lot of $$$ away trying to cover all the bases…Expiration of “safety” equipment (often never used) or of certifiable condition is a fact of life, and emergency meds likewise. Liferaft certification, flares, fire extinguishers, CPR certs, defibers, inflatable PFDs, compressed gas cylinders (air/oxygen), and so forth. It costs what it costs to maintain readiness aboard your boat. Yes. Your meds could technically expire before you might need them. “Expiration” is itself an approach to safety. But suit up or assume the risk, which could be low, or stay home. Those are the choices, it seems.
Obviously, if you’re suffocating because your throat has swollen closed due to an allergic response to something you consumed or inhaled, you’re not going be faulting yourself about those $100s to maybe $1000s you spent for emergency epinephrine pens not needed until then. But will we find those in one of these kits, I wonder?
Yes, I carry an Epi-pen on board, but only after prices came down due to government intervention. And I keep them well last their expiration (I asked about negative affects, and was told it just wouldn’t be as effective…but it wouldn’t kill me) I know that a minor issue like a bee sting, especially in the head/neck area could be fatal. But I am not going to give myself a tracheotomy…so I can probably skip that part of the medical kit
I got tired of throwing flares away…so I bought an “electronic flare”. I still have some out-of-date flares and aerials, but I am not buying them every 3 years.
I guess I think of it this way…I am way more likely to be in a car accident, or come across one, than I am getting hurt on my boat or coming across a boater in medical distress…and I don’t keel a medical kit in my car. Yes, I hope the ambulance comes faster in the case of a car accident, but no guarantees. I guess to me, the risk/reward equation doesn’t quite compute…
I have some basic medical stuff on my boat, but I also primarily day sail and return the marina at the end of the day…so what practically do I need? Aspirin, bandages, some peroxide for cleaning wounds, and my Epi-pen.
So, your mileage may vary…everyone has different needs and different priorities.
If I have a heart attack, or cut a major artery, I guess I can hope to be on @jviss’s boat