My current mast-base turning block configuration has blocks for the main and jib halyards as well as the reefing lines. I'd like to run the topping lift and spinnaker halyard back to the cockpit. I have the cleats, but need to add turning blocks.
According to Hunter's drawing the additional blocks can be added, but I'll need offsets so that the new blocks don't run into the existing blocks. I've circled their image in the attached picture.
My question: what are the offsets called? I've tried googling "mast base block offset" or "extension" or other things but so far haven't had any luck.
FWIW the mast is a Z-Spar, the blocks use 10mm bolts. This is on a Hunter 376. I've found blocks that (I believe) will work--but haven't found the offsets.
My current mast-base turning block configuration has blocks for the main and jib halyards as well as the reefing lines. I'd like to run the topping lift and spinnaker halyard back to the cockpit. I have the cleats, but need to add turning blocks.
According to Hunter's drawing the additional blocks can be added, but I'll need offsets so that the new blocks don't run into the existing blocks. I've circled their image in the attached picture.
My question: what are the offsets called? I've tried googling "mast base block offset" or "extension" or other things but so far haven't had any luck.
FWIW the mast is a Z-Spar, the blocks use 10mm bolts. This is on a Hunter 376. I've found blocks that (I believe) will work--but haven't found the offsets.
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