Covid-19 Vaccination

Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
Another jump in cases is immanent. It happens every time some government tries to loosen the restrictions. It means those who haven't been immunized won't stand out by not wearing a mask. I'm also worried about the possibility of being a short term carrier even if immunized. I have no idea if that's a thing, but it seems the body would need time to destroy any virus or breathed in and may be able to pass infected air for a short time. Of course, if the virus can't reproduce, that would really limit its ability to move to a new host.

Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
Another jump in cases is immanent. It happens every time some government tries to loosen the restrictions. It means those who haven't been immunized won't stand out by not wearing a mask. I'm also worried about the possibility of being a short term carrier even if immunized. I have no idea if that's a thing, but it seems the body would need time to destroy any virus or breathed in and may be able to pass infected air for a short time. Of course, if the virus can't reproduce, that would really limit its ability to move to a new host.

I'm of two minds on this. My first reaction was similar to Will's, folks will cheat and not wear a mask even though they are not vaccinated. Followed by who is going to enforce the guidance and how are they going to do do that? This is essentially a repressive approach which almost certain to generate resistance to being identified as being unvaccinated.

The second thought was based on 30 years of working in urban schools. In those schools where the principal and staff set a positive atmosphere with expectations of appropriate behavior, misbehavior was less frequent and incidents less severe than in those schools where the principal wielded a heavy hand and focused on punishment as the main tool for social control. In those schools, there was more acting out, more clandestine misbehavior, and more disruptive students. Thus, my thinking about the new CDC guidelines evolved quickly. The CDC and those states who adopt rules based on those changes are advancing prosocial measures which may well have a positive effect on vaccine compliance and a return to more normal behavior.
Sep 20, 2014
Rob Legg RL24 Chain O'Lakes
Except if you think about the timing of this change, we are entering into warm weather season. If you look at last year's trend at this time, we are on a similar trend. So which is more effective? Social distancing and wearing masks, or a signficant portion of the population being vaccinated? While I'm no fan of those currently in leadership, the timing of this change is really pretty good. It gives us the ability to see how the virus reacts under a reduced risk.
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Sep 25, 2008
Alden 50 Sarasota, Florida
If you are vaccinated, it makes no difference what others do. Of those hospitalized because of Covid, CDC says 99.7% are unvaccinated.
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Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
Dlochner, I think you are absolutely right. I wasn't suggesting we don't relax the restrictions; we have to, at some point, I was only saying, brace yourself, the booster rockets are being ejected and it will likely be a bumpy ride.

Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
If you are vaccinated, it makes no difference what others do. Of those hospitalized because of Covid, CDC says 99.7% are unvaccinated.
For the short term, I am mostly in agreement with you Don. There remain questions to be answered and issues to address before I could be 100% in agreement.

The biggest issue is the emergence of variants that may be more contagious, more lethal, or immune to the vaccine. The greater the number of infections, the larger the breeding grounds for variants.

How long does immunity gained from the vaccine last and how effective is it over time? Same questions for those who have immunity from being infected. If immunity is not permanent, then at some point all of us who have been vaccinated will lose our immunity and we will be vulnerable again.

Then there are the productivity losses due to the illness. While it doesn't make us ill, it does affect how we can live our lives. The supply chains are still a mess and will be so for some time.

A smaller, but potentially lethal risk to others is hospital usage. What happens when I have my heart attack and the ER is full of unvaccinated Covid patients?

Finally, I really like some of the changes we've made because fo the pandemic. Restaurants have less dense seating and booths have higher backs, people don't crowd in the check out lines, and Mom stopped bringing the whole famdamily to grocery store to shop, making the store less crowded and more pleasant. The lack of traffic on the roads last year in March and April was really delightful. And I think we have all become more aware of how interdependent we are on each other and how interconnected we are. That is a positive outcome.
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Sep 25, 2008
Alden 50 Sarasota, Florida
The biggest issue is the emergence of variants that may be more contagious, more lethal, or immune to the vaccine. The greater the number of infections, the larger the breeding grounds for variants.
All virus mutate. Polio did as do all others including influenza. Presuming that is a bad thing is wrong 50% of the time. The so-called Spanish flu mutated to a benign variant.
Thus far, we have evidence the Covid variants are inconsequential as in the South African variant where the mortality is typical of all others.
We would be better served worrying about some real threats, this not being among them.
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Alden Forum Moderator
Jun 22, 2004
Alden 38' Challenger yawl Rockport Harbor
This will be an interesting season on my coastline.

Covid-19 has swept through and left some remarkable changes. Crazy changes in new faces on the street, changes in real estate, new changes in how biz, is done that may be permanent. Seachange comes to mind.

Maine is following the new CDC guidelines for outdoor masking. But masks inside businesses as well as distanced tables will hold for now.

The conversion the hospitality industry has undergone is not likely to leave. Many new systems of business were discovered during 2020, some are more lucrative.

Vaccination rates are rocketing here in my county. School-aged kids are the current block and the goal to have the most vaccinated by Labor day looks easy. Our state and local CDC has done a remarkable job.

Our harbor is a-buzz with launchings right now. Gone are the signs and warning barriers around the boat yard. Nearly everyone is vaccinated, by choice.

Working on my boat, I've seen hugs between old friends down in the harbor.

On the water; boat sales are up. Lots of new boaters out there, be wary,...

The increase in global temperature is, sadly, still on the rise. And that makes our coast even more of a summer target.

And in season 2021, the Northeast coast is leading the nation on vaccination rates.

Indeed, this will be an interesting season on the coast of New England.

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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
For some 16 months we have endured a constant stream of fright reported to our TV's, internet news feeds and social platforms. We relinquished our freedoms of assembly, speech and movement to the fear of COVID. In that time 0.16% of our citizens are reported as having died due to covid-19.

At some point we the people need to decide do we accept an existence "in fear" and loss of freedoms or do we decide to change.

MSNBC and their reporting has been unquestioning in their acceptance of "This is the new Normal!"
I was shocked to hear this admission from Rachel Maddow after the 13 May2021 CDC announcement..
“I feel like I’m going to have to rewire myself so that when I see someone out in the world who’s not wearing a mask, I don’t instantly think, ‘You are a threat.
“Or you are selfish or you are a COVID denier and you definitely haven’t been vaccinated. I mean, we’re going to have to rewire the way that we look at each other.”
Can we do this? Can we accept that the Vaccine does work or that if you have had Covid that you have immunity?

I know when I stopped at a QuickStop to get a drink 16 months ago a guy got out of the car next to mine and pulled on a mask to go into the store. I backed out of the parking space and went somewhere else to find my beverage.

Can we now rewire our selves?

Just yesterday I went walking in a state park. Wide open spaces. Fresh air and sunshine. 50% were masked and the rest of us were not. Trust needs to be earned I surmise. I suspect to earn it it must also be given.

Fair winds and fun sailing.
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Sep 20, 2014
Rob Legg RL24 Chain O'Lakes
Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door,
Who is it for?

I went to Menards yesterday, virtually everyone was wearing a mask. There were no signs on the door stating it was required. The auto parts store still had their signs up.
May 25, 2012
john alden caravelle 42 sturgeon bay, wis
the signs are down at the local costco, the greeter was not wearing a mask. it was 50/50

it felt good
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Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
Hang on to them. It seems every time I turn around there's another World problem made worse by Global Warming. I'm sure someone will publish a research paper that suggests Global Warming may cause more pandemics in the near future, so be prepared.

Sep 25, 2008
Alden 50 Sarasota, Florida
Hang on to them. It seems every time I turn around there's another World problem made worse by Global Warming. I'm sure someone will publish a research paper that suggests Global Warming may cause more pandemics in the near future, so be prepared.

There are certainly enough problems right now, however, I know of none which can be mitigated by wearing a mask.

But I agree, some government or NGO will spend money trying to find a nexus between pandemics and climate change (but will conveniently omit history).


Alden Forum Moderator
Jun 22, 2004
Alden 38' Challenger yawl Rockport Harbor
For some 16 months we have endured a constant stream of fright reported to our TV's, internet news feeds and social platforms. We relinquished our freedoms of assembly, speech and movement to the fear of COVID. In that time 0.16% of our citizens are reported as having died due to covid-19.

At some point we the people need to decide do we accept an existence "in fear" and loss of freedoms or do we decide to change.

MSNBC and their reporting has been unquestioning in their acceptance of "This is the new Normal!"
I was shocked to hear this admission from Rachel Maddow after the 13 May2021 CDC announcement..

Can we do this? Can we accept that the Vaccine does work or that if you have had Covid that you have immunity?

I know when I stopped at a QuickStop to get a drink 16 months ago a guy got out of the car next to mine and pulled on a mask to go into the store. I backed out of the parking space and went somewhere else to find my beverage.

Can we now rewire our selves?

Just yesterday I went walking in a state park. Wide open spaces. Fresh air and sunshine. 50% were masked and the rest of us were not. Trust needs to be earned I surmise. I suspect to earn it it must also be given.

Fair winds and fun sailing.
I think the vaccine is throwing the re-set switch in my neighborhood. Nearly everyone I pass in town that is vaccinated is feeling the huge lift from it's near 100% efficacy. We're an old town so at 90% vaccinated over 65, there aren't many masks on the street.

Covid-19 is extremely dangerous now pushing the death toll in the US up towards 3/4 million. We learned that it's most lethal for those with underlying problems and those problems are a part of aging. If you're one of those vulnerable people it could be terrifying.

I followed Covid through the least biased news sources that only dealt with science and facts. It was concerning but I didn't find the data or facts that 'frightful'. If anything, how we dealt with it as a country was depressing at times. Entertainment news (like Maddow) must have had a field day with it.

I expect to see masks for some time, especially indoors. We learned (and still are learning) that precautions like masking, distancing, had a great effect. We nearly wiped out the flu up here! Asthma attacks are way down. If you didn't get Covid, you likely had a pretty healthy year around here.

But it also uncovered a health care system that let some of the most vulnerable down. Unfortunately, that's what will keep Covid alive for now in my neighborhood.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Innovation continues... My grand kids came over and started me watching (again) the Star Wars Saga on Disney. Darth Vader was the ultimate masked man....

Then up popped the advert on Good Old Boats website...
Are you the guy who wished he could pull off the Darth Vader look? There is still time to give it a try.

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