Leaking from recently installed PYI PSS Shaft Seal


Apr 8, 2018
Hunter 33 Nanoose Bay, Vancouver Island
Several days ago, we had a PYI - PSS shaft seal installed on our 2006 H33. 24 hours after cleaning/drying the bilge once the boat was back in the water, I noticed a accumulation of sea water just below the PSS.

Is it normal that, while the carbon and steel rotors are seating, there will be some dripping? I only ran the engine for approximately 15 min from the boat yard to our marina and therefore, have not completed the 1 hr break-in period specified by PYI.

Could there be any other reasons for the dripping other than the need for break-in.

Please note, the picture below was taken shortly after system was ‘burped’.

Thanks as always for any thoughts.
Jun 4, 2004
Mainship Piliot 34 Punta Gorda
Maybe tighten the bellows up. Through time I have to tighten mine up periodically.


Aug 21, 2019
Hunter 36 Middle River
She looks good. I had the same issue. Give it time to break in, which may be a year or more if you only motor for short periods of time. I would not increase compression on the bellows. You can reseat it by compressing the bellows, letting seawater in to clean any potential foreign material and releasing the compression. Hope this helps



Apr 8, 2018
Hunter 33 Nanoose Bay, Vancouver Island
She looks good. I had the same issue. Give it time to break in, which may be a year or more if you only motor for short periods of time. I would not increase compression on the bellows. You can reseat it by compressing the bellows, letting seawater in to clean any potential foreign material and releasing the compression. Hope this helps

That's very reassuring Chris, thanks. I naively assumed that it would be bone dry on day 1 - post installation.


Oct 26, 2010
Hunter 340 Deltaville Va
Some questions. Was the bellow compressed to spec? Was the rotor free of all oils? Have you confirmed where water is from? Did you wick up water to confirm it is actively dripping?
I installed mine this year and no leaks. Could be break-in is needed as mentioned but I'd eliminate all other factors as you wait.
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Sep 25, 2008
CS 30 Toronto
As you stated: "Please note, the picture below was taken shortly after system was ‘burped’. "

There is no need to "burp" the newer design. It has a vent hose to release air trapped in the water side. Check the manual.

By burping you might have inadvertently let in some debris such as sand or sea grass between the surfaces. The way to clear it is to "burp" it in clear water again to flush the debris in.

I installed mine in spring of 2007. Never a drip since day 1. Did have some carbon powder for the first few hours of use. None after that.

I replaced the bellow last year (2020) while replacing the drive shaft. Way past the spec as stated in the manual. No need to sweat. The 13 years old bellow still look like new. Just keep Ozone and petroleum product away from it.

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Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
I've never heard of a break-in period. Was the propshaft smooth? My LasDrop has never dripped. It's why they call 'em "dripless"
Jun 14, 2010
Robertson & Caine 2017 Leopard 40 CT
I've never heard of a break-in period. Was the propshaft smooth? My LasDrop has never dripped. It's why they call 'em "dripless"
:thumbup::plus: I've owned PSS units for the last 15 years. Burp it again to clear any debris between the surfaces, adjust bellows if necessary. Call PSS Support if that doesn't work. I only called them once, but they're excellent.
@alexco38 the reason to burp it once is to lubricate the surfaces... only needed upon launch. After that the vent handles water flow.
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