I posted before, other questions I had about the boat mast. I have more questions, obviously.
I have attached some pictures. Generally, as I said before, I have never sailed and due to covid I am stuck learning what I can by doing things the hard way and asking questions here.
I finally got my sails up, but I have questions...
I picked up that I have a roller boom, but it seems like a real pain to roll it up/down. Is it just bad engineering or am I missing something? I read another post where someone had it and I get that it is how the main sail is reef'd, and that the shape of the sail is probably not going to be that good when reef'd. I see that I can push the boom away from the mast and that allows it to roll, then it locks in when I push it toward the mast. Am I in the ballpark with all that so far?
When I bought the boat, the people showed me how to attach the boom to the back stay on this piece of wire that is attached to the back stay. Does it stay attached at all times when sailing? It doesn't seem like it will be able swing very far if it does stay attached, so I don't know why it would need the lines that attach to the bottom of the boom - sorry, that may not make sense, but I can't remember what that system is called at the back of the boom that goes down to both sides of the boat. I know it supposed to hold the boom from side to side, I just can't remember what it is called at this very moment. I am wondering if I am just supposed to use that wire attached to the back stay to get everything setup and then when the sail is raised, disconnect it from that wire.
Another question I have is, there is a line that attaches to the back of the sail at the clew. It doesn't seem like it pulls very hard on the sail, but I don't know if it is supposed to?
On the mast side of the boom, there is a small line attached to the tack. I used it to hold the boom down so when I raised the main sail, the boom stayed down, is this correct?
When I raise the main sail, it goes all the way up to the block at the top of the mast, is there supposed to be any gap between the main sail head and that block/pulley? I think I can move my boom down in the track if that is the case.
I can only upload 10 pictures at a time, so I will upload those and then post the rest I took last week. Thanks for any help...
I have attached some pictures. Generally, as I said before, I have never sailed and due to covid I am stuck learning what I can by doing things the hard way and asking questions here.
I finally got my sails up, but I have questions...
I picked up that I have a roller boom, but it seems like a real pain to roll it up/down. Is it just bad engineering or am I missing something? I read another post where someone had it and I get that it is how the main sail is reef'd, and that the shape of the sail is probably not going to be that good when reef'd. I see that I can push the boom away from the mast and that allows it to roll, then it locks in when I push it toward the mast. Am I in the ballpark with all that so far?
When I bought the boat, the people showed me how to attach the boom to the back stay on this piece of wire that is attached to the back stay. Does it stay attached at all times when sailing? It doesn't seem like it will be able swing very far if it does stay attached, so I don't know why it would need the lines that attach to the bottom of the boom - sorry, that may not make sense, but I can't remember what that system is called at the back of the boom that goes down to both sides of the boat. I know it supposed to hold the boom from side to side, I just can't remember what it is called at this very moment. I am wondering if I am just supposed to use that wire attached to the back stay to get everything setup and then when the sail is raised, disconnect it from that wire.
Another question I have is, there is a line that attaches to the back of the sail at the clew. It doesn't seem like it pulls very hard on the sail, but I don't know if it is supposed to?
On the mast side of the boom, there is a small line attached to the tack. I used it to hold the boom down so when I raised the main sail, the boom stayed down, is this correct?
When I raise the main sail, it goes all the way up to the block at the top of the mast, is there supposed to be any gap between the main sail head and that block/pulley? I think I can move my boom down in the track if that is the case.
I can only upload 10 pictures at a time, so I will upload those and then post the rest I took last week. Thanks for any help...