I am going to have my bottom soda blasted and was wondering about what I am getting myself into. I assumed that I would have some work to do after the soda blasting, but not sure how much work is actually involved. I thought at a minimum I would have to sand the bottom, maybe multiple grits, then a few coats of barrier paint, followed by a few coats of bottom paint. But now I have a lot of questions.
1. For a 1990 Catalina 30, what is the likelihood there I have to worry about blistering? I bought the boat last spring, so no idea how it was used before me.
2. Should I apply barrier coats? If so, how many? What type should I use?
3. I will have to apply some sort of bottom paint because it will be in saltwater, but what type? Hard, ablative? How many coats?
Thank you,
I am going to have my bottom soda blasted and was wondering about what I am getting myself into. I assumed that I would have some work to do after the soda blasting, but not sure how much work is actually involved. I thought at a minimum I would have to sand the bottom, maybe multiple grits, then a few coats of barrier paint, followed by a few coats of bottom paint. But now I have a lot of questions.
1. For a 1990 Catalina 30, what is the likelihood there I have to worry about blistering? I bought the boat last spring, so no idea how it was used before me.
2. Should I apply barrier coats? If so, how many? What type should I use?
3. I will have to apply some sort of bottom paint because it will be in saltwater, but what type? Hard, ablative? How many coats?
Thank you,