Uhhhhhhh......that was a very detailed story. Sounded like an even better story over a pint, but my boat still pulls to the left.lol
Pulling to the left tempts a political comment, however, given we are on the eve of a new year and Phil might spank me again, I'll resist temptation.
However if your boat consistently pulls to one side or another, something is amiss.
The first issue is likely rig tuning. Is the masthead centered over the midline of the boat? Is the mast straight? Are the cap shrouds and lowers evenly tensioned side to side?
Does the boat list? Is weight evenly distributed athwartship?
Is the keel centered and straight? (Don't laugh, I know of a Pearson Flyer that had its keel cut off and then reattached, they didn't quite get it centered and straight. On one tack she could point higher than anybody else, on the other tack, well not so much. Last I heard the boat was still sailing down south.)
Is the rudder centered? Is the rudder post straight?
Since the error is consistent, pulls to the left, sail trim is less likely an issue, although jib leads and the jib track might be part of the problem.
Finally, the story of the race is really about as interesting as 4 bored friends, sitting on a boat, drifting across Lake Ontario, trying not to move to keep the boat stable and moving. If you're buying, I've got better stories.