Pursuit start, we started ahead of her and stayed ahead the first leg. She passed us at 2:07 (1) right after rounding the first mark, we passed her at 2:10 (2), BG passed us at 2:40 (3), SB ahead at 3:44 (4), BG at 4:08 (5), they jibed away to make the mark and clear our bad air, wind shift let us make the mark closer at about 4:40 (6), and Bad Girl took the lead for good at 5:00 close hauled, seventh time we traded spots. I know I made dozens of tactical mistakes in the very flukey winds.
"Bad Girl" has a deep keel, my wing keel can't point with her. But, I still think I would have caught her one more time on the final long downwind leg if the race wasn't shortened.
Sarcastic "beautiful day" comment? Everyday on the water in a sailboat is beautiful, especially if you're racing! It was not as pleasant when the rain was falling, but I'll take a few showers over 17" of snow. We've raced twice since then and hope to race this Saturday, temps actually below normal lately in SE Texas.
Chili contest portion of the regatta was cancelled due to Covid concerns. Normally two classes, chili cooked on shore and chili cooked on board while racing. Last year, Tom on "Hobgoblin" won overall and best cooked on board and he cooked a pot again this race.
This was the last GBCA regatta of 2020, their Icicle Race series starts in January. Five races, we finished third in class in the Icicles in 2020, hope to do better in 2021. I've got to break out of this "in third" rut! We're in third in the Peanut Regatta of Waterford series, just one PHRF class and all kinds of boats. Race #41 for 2020 is this Saturday.
I counted the other day, even taking a month off for the lockdown and a month for my son's wedding, we've been lucky enough to sail in 48 races so far in 2020. And there are 50 different names in the guest/crew log for the year, 52 aboard counting me and Max, my border collie mix, he helped us get a first in a Peanut Regatta.