That works in the north and on the coast but... on an inland lake in Alabama ... a tent has no real chance of keeping a boat coolThe best way to keep the cabin cool is to keep it from getting over heated. A boom tent awning and a small awning over the V-berth hatch do wonders to keep things cool. Especially covering the hatches. Keep the sunlight off the deck and allow good air flow.
I watched that video and want my 5 minutes back. (I admit I skipped some sections). He was measuring on the output of the unit, not the ambient car temperature. Waste of time and money, IMHOThere are a few tests of these units on Youtube, they seem to work for small spaces. This guy ran it in his car and dropped the temperature from 105°F to around 90°F in 20 minutes.
That's pretty impressive for such a small, portable unit. Sure a window air-conditioned in the companion way would be cheaper and probably cool faster but also more intrusive.
That is the same type of unit and it could be the difference in humidity between NJ and FL but it did not work for us. It did work better in the evening after the sun went down but it could not keep up with the heat entering the cabin. At first I thought it was the unit and took it home where it worked fine in cooling a large room. I did some research and the CFM of air that it expels through the exhaust hose is enough to create negative pressure (vacuum) which draws hot and humid air back into the boat. I did notice that our unit would shut the compressor off after 30-40 minutes way before the cabin reached the desired temperature. By the time it cycled back in a lot of the cool gained had been practically lost. Thought the compressor may have been overheating or the temperature sensor was getting a wrong reading but at the house it worked fine. To drive the point home, I switched to a 6,000 btu window unit at the companionway and that one cooled a lot better. Have heard both experiences good and bad from a number of others so I guess it may depend on the type of boat, the usage, or the particular make of the A/C. My point was that that little portable unit had no chance of working.I’m not sure if this is the type of unit Benny was using but it works great for me. I’ve used it in upper 80 low 90 degree days and it keeps the cabin cool.