Your ratings seem appropriate. Here is my boat's (s/v Cloud Nine, hull #9) history: I bought my boat new in 2017 and when I applied for a PHRF-Chesapeake rating, I was assigned 138 spin and 141 NS. I immediately appealed, citing much high ratings for a couple of other boats with published ratings. My boat's rating was revised to 156 spin and 159 NS for W/L course and 153 spin and 159 NS for a random leg course. I raced spinnaker with these ratings for two seasons and after finishing consistently in last place, appealed again and was given my current (2019) rating: W/L 168 spin, 171 NS and random course 171 spin, 174 NS. These ratings include +9 sec for RF headsail (106%) and above deck drum (Cloud Nine has a folding prop, so no credit for prop, fixed prop is a +9 sec credit). I did ok this season, but am sure that the ratings are still too low, but I have no plans to appeal again. Your ratings of 180/202 seem more appropriate than mine. Do you have a 106% genoa, and a folding prop? The folding prop makes a huge difference, especially in light wind. Good luck!