Happy Thanksgiving...

Nov 6, 2006
Hunter 34 Mandeville Louisiana
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Turkeys are roasting, dressing is baking.. the bourbon sweet potatoes are warming.. the bloody Marys are chilled.. A bunch of family due in soon.. A great day to enjoy!
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Happy Thanksgiving All!.:biggrin:

We are doing a non-Turkey celbration. We are cooking up the BEEF.

My wife likes that... I get to Grill, she does not have to spend the day in the Kitchen cleaning, basting, cooking a bird that will put us all to sleep
When people sit down to enjoy a big meal, alcohol is often included. Physicians remind us that alcohol is a depressant so mix it with the foods with tryptophan, as well as fatty foods and you have the perfect recipe for a nap.
So I cleaned the grill in the fresh morning air 25 degrees here.

I think I'll put on a jacket to grill. And while the meat is grilling, stir up a sauce to add a bit of Holiday treat to the experience. Twice baked potatoes. Grilled Asparagus. A salad with orange vinaigrette dressing. A special bottle of wine...

I may need a nap...:laugh:


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Sailing back to the Chesapeake
We spend Thursday as a R&R day. We have our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. Started a number of years ago - long story - and now find it is the best way to go. Both girls can have dinner with significant others families then come here for Friday. Makes for nice low conflict type holiday....

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Mar 1, 2012
1961 Rhodes Meridian 25 Texas coast
Happy Thanksgiving. I'm alone, so plan to go in for a seafood dinner- probably grilled shrimp and dirty rice, with a beer :)
Well, the seafood restaurant was closed, as were EVERY other restaurant in town except burger joiints. So I wound up going to the fishing center, convenience store where they were preparing fried oysters, on orderl So I had seafood after all. The place had fishermen working along the deck, and two delightful youngsters runing here and there, with moms chasing them. Boy 2 and girl 3.

I think they had nuclear reactors installed :)


Alden Forum Moderator
Jun 22, 2004
Alden 38' Challenger yawl Rockport Harbor
Tom, your photo has the unique, warm tones of a Terry Redlin painting!
Thanks, but my daughter takes the credit, taken with her phone cam.