Distance and time from Powell River to Sidney BC

Jun 11, 2004
Oday 31 Redondo Beach

Can any of you PNW guys give me an estimate of the nautical distance and average travel time between Powell River and Sidney BC. Say on an average 30 to 35 foot cruising boat. Lots of variables on the time I know. Just looking for a rough idea. Maybe spend the night in Gibsons?

And I guess while I'm at it I should ask if there are prevailing good and bad ways in July or August. In other words, if you had your choice to do a one way leg, which way would it be, north to south or south to north?

Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
The straight line distance is about 90 nautical miles, however there are several islands in the way so count on a 100+ miles. In theory the summer wind is NW but no matter in which direction you choose to go it will be right on your nose!
I think I would go North of Texada Island and overnight in Nanaimo then down through the Gulf Islands.
Jun 11, 2004
Oday 31 Redondo Beach

Thanks for the insight.

Is there a prevailing current or is that just tide change dependent?
May 7, 2012
Hunter e33 Maple Bay, BC
A marina mate left Maple Bay (about 2 hours North of Sidney) this spring at 9 AM and arrived in Westview at just after 8 PM the same day. I usually take 4 sailing days and have some of our best sailing getting there. Approximately 85 nm straight run from Sidney or 105 nm if you want to sail vice motor. There are many options but you could do Clam Bay, Gibsons (or Plumper Cove), Secret Cove (or Smugglers Cove or Pender Harbour), Westview = Powell River. All legs less than 30 nm/day. Currents will add or subtract an hour or so each sailing day.
Jul 27, 2011
Bavaria 38E Alamitos Bay
If this is a one-way bareboat charter, I’d depart Powell River and arrive Sidney. There’s much more to do ashore once arriving, plus if interested, you may be able to catch a Washington State ferry to SJI/Friday Harbor and Anacortes on the way out, etc. Lots of fun.

Jun 11, 2004
Oday 31 Redondo Beach
If this is a one-way bareboat charter, I’d depart Powell River and arrive Sidney. There’s much more to do ashore once arriving, plus if interested, you may be able to catch a Washington State ferry to SJI/Friday Harbor and Anacortes on the way out, etc. Lots of fun.

I can't find a one way charter so far so was thinking of maybe a casual cruise one way and a "delivery" run back. Just trying to see what that might entail. Always the problem of saying "well it's a two day run" and then having uncooperative weather that turns it into a week..
Apr 5, 2009
Catalina '88 C30 tr/bs Oak Harbor, WA
If you are not familiar with these waters, make sure that your boat has a copy of the
Current Atlas: Juan de Fuca to Strait of Georgia and current Washburn Tables. We have strong currents and if you sail according to out at 10:00 in by 14:00 rule you will likely add a lot of time to your travels. I use the Atlas to plan my departure times to make the best use of the current.
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Jul 27, 2011
Bavaria 38E Alamitos Bay
The plan for that (i.e., short trip with fewest variables), IMHO, is to depart Vancouver and sail to Nanaimo (35 n.mi.), stay at Newcastle overnight, go back across the next day but to Howe Sound for the second night. Maybe anchor at Halkett Bay. Return to Vancouver on day 3. Round trip maybe 70 - 80 n.mi. You sail a reach across Georgia Strait in each direction, so you don’t get “hung up” by contrary weather or opposing current. That is, you can cross in 20- 25 kt from SE or NW. I’ve done this route (similar) twice chartering from CA. It’s a good route. You can extend it nicely w/o adding many additional miles or days.
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Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
@Richard19068 if you are looking at a charter there are much nicer places to visit than Powell River. If chartering out of Sidney just stay in the Gulf Islands. As @Kings Gambit suggests sailing across the gulf ( Van. to Nanaimo area ) and back is good ( always a beam reach in theory). There are so many options but it would help to know your plan.
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Jun 11, 2004
Oday 31 Redondo Beach
@Richard19068 if you are looking at a charter there are much nicer places to visit than Powell River. If chartering out of Sidney just stay in the Gulf Islands. As @Kings Gambit suggests sailing across the gulf ( Van. to Nanaimo area ) and back is good ( always a beam reach in theory). There are so many options but it would help to know your plan.
Well, the plan might be a different thread. Just bouncing it around at this point and it may not happen but the thought is to charter for a month or so and try to cover Desolation Sound to the Salt Spring / South Pender Island area. Lots of distance and maybe too ambitions. The wife's family is in the Vancouver area and her brother has a place on Mayne Island.

Had been thinking of maybe two months and possibly buying and selling a boat for that but I don't know if I really have the energy for that.

We chartered for two weeks out of Nanaimo a couple years ago and hopped up to Princess Louisa and back down. Beautiful country to say the least!
Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
her brother has a place on Mayne Island.
Well that makes us neighbours, Saturna is the next island. Distance sounds doable in a month. We are planning to circumnavigate Vancouver Island in a 2 month period next summer. I guess it depends on how often you want to move.


Dec 15, 2006
Catalina 310 44 Campbell River BC
If your going to charter have looked at split the locations, that is charter 1 boat out of Comox or Powell River then drive down to Sidney and charter a second boat for the Gulf Islands. Doing it this way you'll have more time in Desolation Sound and the Gulf Islands.