Sailing today


Jun 29, 2014
S2 7.3 Fond du Lac
All this talk of dinghys and heads makes me want to ask: Did anyone else get out sailing today? We had a beautiful late summer day here in Wisconsin-temps in the 70's with winds 10-12.
Attached are a couple pics taken today. First is a really nice Hunter 310 on a downwind reach, next is close hauled sailing on my S2 and last is me in my S2.



Mar 11, 2015
Catalina 27 Monroe MI
I was out on lake Erie, pretty flat with 15-17 knots from the west. Nice sailing..
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Jan 5, 2017
Beneteau First 38 Lyall Harbour Saturna Island
Damn! I was cleaning gutters in the rain. Guess I can’t complain , I had four months of sailing ending at the end of August.
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
I got back from a 5 day cruise around the Puget Sound. Got back on Monday evening, arrived at the marina just in time for the clouds to open up and drench me. The cruise was terrific. Met new folk and had fun.

Today... not so much... Worked in the yard. Cleaning up the various planting beds. Picking apples. Getting ready install a deer fence. We have a 3 legged buck that like to visit the yard and eat the flowers. Roses, Zuchinni, Hydrangias, and the apples. A real pest. Would love if he could find a new home.
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Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
This was a work weekend on the boat. Moving along on the solar install. Hoisting, or trying to hoist, a new mainsail. :mad:
Figuring out what else broke in the past week. :(
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Jul 24, 2005
Beneteau 323 Manistee, MI
Done for the year, gale warnings on Friday on eastern Lake Michigan. Still too windy on Saturday, Pulled the main sail off yesterday, got the jib off this morning. Boat goes into storage tomorrow until May next year.
Really short sailing season this year...


Jun 29, 2014
S2 7.3 Fond du Lac
Done for the year, gale warnings on Friday on eastern Lake Michigan. Still too windy on Saturday, Pulled the main sail off yesterday, got the jib off this morning. Boat goes into storage tomorrow until May next year.
Really short sailing season this year...
That sucks! Sorry you had such a short season.
Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
Admiral wanted to go apple activity maybe more weather and timing impacted than sailing...
Then some boat work for me too, measuring for a new main sail and Tides Marine Sailtrack. But I should have gone sailing, rainy and very windy today:mad:

Wife is leaving for a weekend on the east coast, and I do my annual weekend live aboard and sail.

Hopefully get a good weekend as the season is quickly coming to an end on Lake Michigan. We have to hauled out by end of October a my marina. I am usually one of the last, but late October weather is pretty fickle and I don’t get too many sails in.

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Apr 26, 2015
S2 26 Mid On Trailer
Heading down to the marina for one last sail here in Northern Idaho on Lake Coeur d'Alene. It's been a pretty good summer.

Pull the boat out on Thursday and head home to Lake Havasu for the winter sailing season. I have no idea how to store a boat for the winter.;)


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
OH it saddens me to hear the words.... I got to haul my boat out for the winter.

Those days of sitting in the cockpit drinking a cold one. The early morning cries of the gulls while you sip coffee from a favorite mug. Those are powerful memories.

May your sailing memories keep you warm on the coming cold days. May winter be short and your next sailing season a blink of time away.
Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
Yep.... Sailed Saturday from sunrise to about 1:00. I had spent the night on the hook Friday so I was able to get going bright and early. The wind was about 8 mph and from the correct direction for a nice long reach until about 10:00 and then died to nothing. Got mine so I feel lucky. Got to the marina right as my slip mate was heading out. Poor fella... he missed all the wind.
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Apr 16, 2017
Federation NCC-1701 Riverside
I tried to go sailing in this yesterday.

The 8 year olds in Optis were out, Open Bics were out, teenagers in Lasers were out too. I stayed in and watched the rollers smash my 170 against the docks and stayed out of they way of the prescoolers swimming from the dock ends back to shore for "man overboard training" rough water confidence training.

Im be fair, only beach launch boats were out yesterday.
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Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
wasting disease (a.k.a. mad-cow for deer) is starting to become more prevalent. No more deer meat for me.

Apr 11, 2010
Hunter 38 Whitehall MI
Hauled out Friday.
About 3 weeks early this year.
The bright side is that the torrential rain stopped about 1/2 hour before my lift time. After boat was on the hard the sun came out in full force and the wind blew like wild. So feel fortunate that I got it out between nasty rain and howling wind. And had a bright warm sunny day to prep for the winter layover.

Getting a new winter cover this year as the old one was 10 years old and had begun to deteriorate.
It’s being made now and will be put on after October 1
Jul 1, 2010
Catalina 350 Port Huron
Got out late this afternoon, also on Lake Erie (Erie, Pa). 10-12 knots from the west. Made for a nice relaxed sail.
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