Rig tuning guide for wing keel tall rig


Oct 21, 2018
Catalina Capri 22 Lake George
I have seen the North and Ullman tuning guides seem to talk about standard rigs. The North guide does not mention tall rig or wing keel at all.

The Ullman guide says that the wing keel boat should have no rake, but I assume that this is for the standard rig. Does the tall rig also get no rake?

Are the shroud tensions the same for the wing keel and fin keel? Tall rig vs standard rig?

Does anyone out there have any proven numbers for a wing keel with a tall rig?
Jul 28, 2016
I sail a standard rig/wing keel, and have no specific knowledge with a tall rig, but I can tell you tuning guides call for little/no rake to prevent undue weather helm. Weather helm can be a particular problem on wing keel boats. Some rake is needed (you don't want lee helm), but I think 12-14" on a wing keel could be too much.

The reason all the tuning guides only reference the standard rig boats is because the one-design racing fleets were all based on standard rig boats. Of course I think there are very few active OD fleets around anymore.

You'll need to get the boat rigged, and sail in your area to get a feel for things. I would start with 6-8" of rake, and sail the boat. If too much weather helm, then take some rake out. If the helm is too light, then add some rake.
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Feb 7, 2010
Catalina Capri 22 MKII 1097 Grove, OK
I have seen the North and Ullman tuning guides seem to talk about standard rigs. The North guide does not mention tall rig or wing keel at all.

The Ullman guide says that the wing keel boat should have no rake, but I assume that this is for the standard rig. Does the tall rig also get no rake?

Are the shroud tensions the same for the wing keel and fin keel? Tall rig vs standard rig?

Does anyone out there have any proven numbers for a wing keel with a tall rig?
I have seen the North and Ullman tuning guides seem to talk about standard rigs. The North guide does not mention tall rig or wing keel at all.

The Ullman guide says that the wing keel boat should have no rake, but I assume that this is for the standard rig. Does the tall rig also get no rake?

Are the shroud tensions the same for the wing keel and fin keel? Tall rig vs standard rig?

Does anyone out there have any proven numbers for a wing keel with a tall rig?
Anyone out there who has a wing keel and would prefer to tame down a little I have a complete 2005 Mast with sails that'll do the trick. Cant't imagine how a wing keel stays upright with a tall rig. (IMO)


Oct 21, 2018
Catalina Capri 22 Lake George
Where I sail the wind rarely gets over 10 knots and is usually around 6 knots. I will need the extra power,


Oct 21, 2018
Catalina Capri 22 Lake George
The dealer I am buying the boat from is telling me to have zero rake and zero pre-bend. He says the mast should be as straight as possible. Everything I read always says to have pre-bend and rake in the mast.

Any thoughts?
Feb 16, 2017
Yes, 12'' rake for any version of keel, or move rig back until boat develops 1-2'' inches of weather helm.
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Where I sail the wind rarely gets over 10 knots and is usually around 6 knots. I will need the extra power,
:( We don't usually even bother to go out in a light breeze like that . Do you have a large genoa?


Oct 21, 2018
Catalina Capri 22 Lake George
I have the 135, a racing 155, and a 165 asymmetrical

I will primarily be sailing alone and this is why I got the tall rig
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