Happy Birthday US Marines!

Jan 22, 2008
Beneteau 323 Annapolis MD
Thanks for the reminder, James. My band's first paying job was for the Marine Carps 200th anniversary, so it is easy to remember our first gig. 38 years and the same 4 guys later, we just retired from music life. As we said, when we started jammng, the hard part was learning the songs. Now, the hard part is REMEMBERING them!


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
Couldn't do it without our Navy to get us there!
Add to the arriving transport...

1) Artillery support that moves and shoots.
2) Close air support
3) Logistical supply
4) Medical care
5) Blockades of enemy supplies.
6) A way back HOME!:clap:

Much different use of Marines aboard ships, who climbed up the masts and rigging to be "sharp shooters" in the days of "Wooden Ships and Iron Men"

My Navy Drill Instructor was a Marine!!

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Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
Happy Birthday to all of the Marines. I really admire the Esprit de Corps that they share.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
It was by design Jim. They knew it was the only way to keep you in line so Congress could state “Officer and Gentleman” at the end of the experience.
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
Ever read about the invasion of Granada to rescue US students and other citizens? It reads basically like this: "This is a joint military operation, but we all have different communications protocols so... What's our next step?" Asks the leading operations commander. The Army, shake of the head. The Airforce, shrug off the shoulders, the Navy, don't know. The Marines, "Advance the Marines."
Ok, they advanced the marines, now what?
"Dun know?", scratching of head, "Don't look at me.", "Advance the Marines."
A joint branch operation, because there was so much confusion around coordination and communication, became an almost exclusive Marine operation.
It pays to be bold.
Happy birthday to the branch of the military who has managed to build the greatest respect and reputation for integrity of all the military.

-Will (Dragonfly)
Feb 17, 2006
Lancer 27PS MCB Camp Pendleton KF6BL
"Alone among the U.S. military services, the Marines have bestowed their name on their enlisted
ranks. The Army has Army officers and soldiers, the Navy has naval officers and sailors, the Air
Force has Air Force officers and airmen—but the Marines have only Marines." - James Bradley, Flags Of Our Fathers


Dec 20, 2009
Hunter 466 Bremerton
Semper Fi to my USMC shipmates.
As a student I was attending the Naval College of Command and Staff when PX Kelly was the commandant. At the birthday ball that night in Newport, RI he told the story of a very recent visit to a marine wounded in the Beirut barracks bombing of October 1983 where 241 marines were killed.

The young marine’s face was wrapped in gauze and was unable to see. Lying in bed he was told that the commandant was there to say hello. Not to be fooled he motioned for the commandant’s arm and walked his hand up the arm to the collar and fingered the four stars on his collar.

Now convinced it was indeed the commandant he motioned for pencil and paper. Soon some was found and given to the wounded and blind marine. He wrote something on the paper and the commandant gently retrieved the writing. The commandant turned and read to personnel in the room what the young marine had written. “Semper Fi”.

There was not a dry eye among the several hundred guests at the ball. On an even more poignant note the Mayor of Newport at the time and at the ball was a reserve marine colonel and of the 241 marines killed eight were from RI.


Aug 18, 2015
Currently Boatless Okinawa
Happy Birthday USMC. I did not serve, but my life experience with Marines all over the country in various settings have never failed to fill me with respect and admiration. I won't quote the motto, as I do not feel I have earned the right, but a very Happy Birthday.
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May 23, 2016
Catalina 22 #12502 BSC
after I enlisted, Dad (Navy WWII) told me I was nothing more than a sea-going bellhop...I quickly explained to him the Marines are the MEN's branch of the Navy....

btw, if you don't know the story of Belleau Wood, a timely google read today on 11/11...

Semper Fi, and thanks to all vets of all branches for their service!