Yea, back when GPS units were a new thing, & before most of them had maps on them, I had a Garmin GPS III+ in the car when I got pulled over for speeding on I-95. The cop said that he had clocked me at 72mph. I said that my GPS & speedometer both had my speed as being under 65 (a much cheaper ticket). He then asked me if the GPS also recorded max MPH. I found that screen for him. It came up around 450mph. An AFP buddy of mine had been using it while testing out a Citation a few weeks earlier & I hadn't reset the numbers yet. I still got the ticket, but the look on the cop's face was priceless. I think that he was planning to be a smart guy & write me a ticket for the max speed indicated. Obviously, that would not have worked out well for him. It was a good bit of entertainment.