Every boat needs a glove box-- sailing last weekend reminded me that I have a lot of unfinished business to attend to as we get ready to have an extended overnight away from our home waters. Trailer is now upgraded and roadworthy-- but I was complaining about not having reinstalled the coaming boxes. PO had made a complete mess of attempting to re-attach-- epoxy to the rescue. A little collodial silica and they are rock solid with no fasteners. Also had rebuilt the coaming trim as PO had broken them both when uninstalling -- good as new now but didn't want to use anything permanent to attach them. A little butyl tape on the back side and a day worth of clamp pressure appears to be a good fix. Last but not least prior to a long weekend out-- new cushions being created from scratch as I inherited none with the boat. Color scheme below-- can't wait for the finished product. Green/Blue/White striped material is the top-- solid green sunbrella below it will be bottom and veriticals.