Catalina Island in Hunter 19


Jan 22, 2008
Santana 20 Chandler, AZ AZ
I have seen the pictures - now it is time to make it happen - once I have the mast squared away. Since the 19 is bit stubby, i figure it will take a while - from Long Beach.

Plan is the week before LBRW to hit the islands - fish, yak, volleyball, hike about.. and unwind.

Pics and Video to follow..

Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
There is a surprising amount of room in those Hunter 19s.
Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
For us right coasters, how far is it to the "Islands?" What island? What port?
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
I used that very sail as a lesson in vector addition for a class of student teachers. Taught them DR navigation to bring home the concept. Found a nice chart online, printed it out on 14"x 17" paper and had them adding a 3 knot current and 7 knots of headway to get a course heading. For a bunch of masters students, they were surprised at that being the way people "really" navigated. They, then had to do the math to get their actual speed over the ground. It was fun and Catalina Island looks like an excellent sail for a 19' boat. I'd love to take Dragonfly someday.
Can't wait to see your pictures.

-Will (Dragonfly)
Oct 9, 2008
Bristol 29.9 Dana Point
As long as she's a keelboat.

Beware of the afternoon westerlies whipping around the front of the island at 15-20 knots, starting about 5+ miles out. These can occur even on mildly forecast days.
They can generate moderate, short-frequency swells that even in a 10,000lb cruiser can demand constant attention.
It quits in the lee of the island about a mile out.
If this is first time to the island, choose a day with forecasts to 10 knots.
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Sounds like it is going to be sporty. I always wanted to get out the when I was stationed at El Toro. Only saw it from a Cessna. Take someone with you the first time. Have a radio on board. Have fun!
Sep 15, 2016
Catalina 22 Minnesota
Looks like it should be fun! While looking for a picture of a Hunter 19 I came across this shot. It can be done!


Bring plenty of anchor line for your adventure as depths outside of two Harbors, and Avalon can be deep.
Jan 18, 2016
Catalina 387 Dana Point
My first sail to Catalina was on a Columbia 5.5. Open cockpit, no cabin at all, 2hp outboard. Silly boat to sail to the island. Pre GPS and it was foggy. DR'd with one compass and guessing. Was so much fun, we did it again. A Hunter 19 would be a far better choice than the 5.5.

Have fun - I'm thinking of going over Memorial day.
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