PH Superflush Hole Pattern

Oct 26, 2009
Pearson 323 Rock Creek, Pasadena, MD
I know that the new Raritan PH Superflush base mounting hole pattern is the same as the Jabsco heads, but does anybody know if it matches the old Wilcox-Crittenden Headmate?
Dec 2, 1997
- - LIttle Rock
It's no big deal if it doesn't 'cuz there's no guarantee holes that old will be a match for new mounting bolts, and the last thing you want is a wobbly toilet. So I'd fill 'em all and drill out any that match plus new ones where needed. Cover the "plugs" with the new toilet where that works, paint the ones you can't cover to match the head sole. Auto touch up paint or nail polish will work for that.
Dec 2, 1997
- - LIttle Rock
That link is definitely worth reading...some excellent information. I did see one thing that I didn't comment on at the time: not only is there a kink in the line from the pump to the bowl, there's no vented loop in it either. There needs to be.

Fwiw, the PH SuperFlush is actually the newest version of the PHII...the only real difference is the base, which is designed to be a "plug 'n' play" swap out for the Jabsco manual.