Desperately seeking Bombardier 4.8 manual

May 1, 2017
Bombardier 4.8 West Island
Hi group, I just picked up a Bombardier 4.8. Looking everywhere for a manual, rigging instructions or something to show me what exactly I'm missing, and how to rig it properly according to design. Anyone that could help ? I've found a partial fuzzy picture of the front page of one.... Much appreciated !
May 1, 2017
Bombardier 4.8 West Island
I've googled every article, picture, video I could find about 20 pages down ....nothing except the fuzzy picture of the cover...
And who's Stu ?
May 1, 2017
Bombardier 4.8 West Island
well, as mentioned, I've googled the hell out of it. This is why I'm asking for help. Clearly, you're not here to help. So thanks, Sally
May 20, 2016
Catalina 36 MK1 94 Everett, WA
You might look at this it's for a slightly different version but should be very close.
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
You asked a question, "Who's Stu?" I answered it. What more could you want?

Stu is a strong advocate of using Google, however, not every one is as skilled as Stu at finding info using Google.

If you simply Google Bombardier 4.8 you will get a bunch of relevant links, here's a few:

Bombardier Sailboat Owners - Yahoo Groups
Any Bombardier 4.8 owners out there? | Forums
BOMBARDIER 4.8 sailboat specifications and details on
Bombardier Invitation - Wikipedia
Bombardier Invitation 4.8M Main Sail Kit - Sailrite

Mostly folks on SBO are willing to help, we've all been new sailors at some time.

Has the Ottawa River crested? Is the flood in Montreal receding?
May 1, 2017
Bombardier 4.8 West Island
I actually checked thoroughly each link above...the closest was the one here on SBO. I reached out to that member if he had the remaining pages....the floods in Montreal are starting all over again ! Pouring rain tonight :( many areas are flooding pretty good. Forecast is pretty much rain all week too. My sump pump is on overtime !!!
Thanks again :)
May 20, 2016
Catalina 36 MK1 94 Everett, WA
You can also post photos or sketches of what your unsure of and people here will try and give you options on how it should go together. If you give 40 sailors a rigging task you would probably get 60 different rigging suggestions from them. There are lots of ways to solve a problem and the can all be correct
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
the floods in Montreal are starting all over again ! Pouring rain tonight :( many areas are flooding pretty good. Forecast is pretty much rain all week too. My sump pump is on overtime !!!
This is not good. Lake Ontario is at flood stage too and predicted to rise another 10 inches. We can't get rid of our water without flooding Montreal. :(
Aug 13, 2012
Catalina 270 Ottawa
did you look here: ?
Btw. Ottawa River is at its highest in at least 30 years. peak in Ottawa is expected Sunday or Monday (07/05 or 08/05). We expect about 30 cm more.
Our club (NSC) had to postpone the commercial launch (we put around 100 boats in the water using two commercial cranes) by a week - the yard is under water. The neighbours (BYC) must have water in their main Club room (bar).
Mar 2, 2018
Getaway, 4.8, Invitation 16 wendover
Hi group, I just picked up a Bombardier 4.8. Looking everywhere for a manual, rigging instructions or something to show me what exactly I'm missing, and how to rig it properly according to design. Anyone that could help ? I've found a partial fuzzy picture of the front page of one.... Much appreciated !
Aug 3, 2012
Performance Cruising Telstar 28 302 Watkins Glen
Don’t fret, Ron sails a Super Snark! :clap:

Oh com’ on! That was GOOD!
May 16, 2018
MacGregor; Bombardier MacG 22; B 4.8 Ottawa
I have the original manual for Bombardier 4.8 - OWNER'S MANUAL, as requested, however this forum doesn't let me upload it. I'll try again.
Jun 14, 2010
Seafarer 29 Oologah, OK
Hi Marty, I had a Bombardier 4.8 for three years, and joined the Bombardier owner's group linked above. They were very helpful and posted lots of pictures. I don't know how active they are now, it's been 7 years. Be happy to answer any questions you have to the best of my recollection.
I saw a copy of the owner's manual and found it to be not very helpful. This was because much of the original equipment had been broken and repaired or replaced by guesswork over the long life of the boat prior to my buying it. I had to build a new centerboard and rudder.
The rig is unusual, it has a fixed gooseneck and the entire mast/boom assembly rotates. The mast steps in a sleeve. The way I did this was to stand on the boat on the trailer and lay the mast athwart, then "walk" the butt end up to the boat while raising the masthead until I had it vertical alongside the boat, resting on the ground. Then I got a good grip with my left hand at gunwale level and right hand about three feet above the left, then in one smooth motion lift it straight up vertically above the gunwale, pivot to the step and lower it into the sleeve. This was dangerous because I'm holding the 23' mast all the way down at the bottom 1/4th and all that stick up in the air has a lot of leverage, so I always made sure that it was all clear for at least thirty feet around me in case I lost control and it all came crashing down. It's easier if you have someone to help lift and steady but I almost always single-handed.

Added in edit: I just realized the OP is over a year old and Marty hasn't been back judging by his post count. Oh well.


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