Retrieving a Ring you dropped down the Sink

Jun 19, 2016
Catalina Catalina 470 Port of Montreal
Hey, guys, this is pretty off-topic but a useful one. Some of you guys may have come across this situation where in the midst of the flurry of getting the dishes done, you may have dropped a ring down the drain at some point of time. This happened to my sister once. She had a stack of dishes piled up in the sink. Seeing the soapy tower of plates pissed her off. In her haste to get it done by afternoon (she had to go out that day) she didn't realize that her wedding finger fell down the drain. She didn't notice this until in the evening. She frantically called the plumber and had him take the ring out. But it costed her a fortune just to get the ring out. This made me realize that it is always better to learn some DIY skills, it can save a lot of money. I found a blog online that mentioned some tips on how to retrieve a ring that you have dropped down the sink ( ). I hope that you guys find it useful. If you guys have had similar funny situations like this. It would be great if you could share it here.
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
I think she would have been SOL on the boat. They don't have p-traps to catch it. It's a straight shot into the drink.

As usual, Kermie beat me to a finger joke. I would have said she probably gave the plumber the finger after she handed over the money.
Jan 22, 2008
Beneteau 323 Annapolis MD
Finger? Interesting... usually they charge you an arm and a leg...
Nov 8, 2010
Beneteau First 36.7 & 260 Minneapolis MN & Bayfield WI
As Justin notes that information is useless on a boat, where the drain hose makes a gravity powered run straight down to the open seacock. The ring is going to be on the bottom.

Any messing about with so little knowledge as to think the blogged advice is going to help will likely sink your boat.