DOH! Aww, you and Homer are right. I blew it. But according to expert YouTube commentary Brewer sucks! So he shouldn't even be allowed to get a shirt. I should have had him sign the shirtless kid next to me, but he was adjusting his hearing aid. "Ev - ry - bo - dy ! Lis - en t o o m e ... " " Y e a h - y e a h - y e a h - y - e - a - h !"how can the shirt say "Your Captain?"
Where can I get this one?
I found this as a Facebook spam ad a while back, I don't remember where it was sold. I will keep my eye out if it pops up again, and get the link for you.I want one too!!
Ok, we have these Ascot Tees (online), but my favorite tee is plain and personally autographed, "Your Captain, Mark Farner."
I have nothing to say that is even remotely interesting about T shirts, 'cept that there's a great points of sail diagram out there that mentions about all your stuff falling and breaking. Then on the other tack it mentions that all your broken stuff is now on the other side of the boat. It'd make a good t-shirt. (No images because..... well.... I can't find it)