Yes, I have a VSWR meter and it currently tests high on the SWR and low on the power. Checking the resistance in the coax that at the bottom of the mast that is connected through the antenna reads closed circuit, which is why I am assuming the antenna is bad. It could be a bad connector, but I will check that once the antenna is removed from the coax and before mounting the new antenna.
I can communicate short range but only a mile or two as far as I can tell.
It was originally testing good for SWR and Power and not sure the distance but was getting loud and clear from Coast Guard on 22A. I was helping a friend trouble shoot his VHF issue and after hooking his radio up to mine and testing it then hooking mine back up I got bad SWR and Power readings. I don't think swapping radios could have caused the issue with the antenna, but just a coincidence and that both of our antennas were about 10 years old.
I originally thought it may have been a bad connection with the coax and fitting at the VHF, but after replacing the fitting it was still bad. Then I found the short circuit in the coax leading from the antenna, so I think the new antenna should fix the problem.