Turnbuckle Boots

Mar 23, 2015
Catalina 22 MK-II Dillon, CO
Hello all,
I have a 1997 Catalina 22 MKII (new to me) and I am getting her ready for launch. I stepped the mast for the first time and am getting ready to tune the mast. I removed some plastic covers for the forward stays but need to put on turnbuckle boots. I have some metal ones on the other stays (pic appended) but can't seem to find these anywhere. Any help in locating these would be appreciated.
Jan 22, 2008
Beneteau 323 Annapolis MD
Looks like plain old SS tube with some sort of rubber stopper-bushing added on. If it was my boat, I'd not cover the turnbuckles so you can see if they are okay. One time I had those split PVC covers on my shrouds. I took them off and the shroud was covered in moss-like growth. The SS needs air to dry it off.
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Boat bling. The only reason to cover them is to protect the genoa. I just use tape and cover the cotter rings.
Catalina Direct might have them.
Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
The racers use long lengths (6 feet) of regular 1 inch PVC from Home Depot. This protects the foresail from chafe on the shroud and the turnbuckle. Its also easy to just lift them up to check the turnbuckle. Yes, Catalina Direct and many other on-line marine chandleries have the Davis Turnbuckle boots, they are similar PVC tubes (of a smaller size) that come with the caps. Also easy to lift up to check the turnbuckles. Also, Davis has the snap-on PVC shroud covers... small PVC sleeves that snap on to the 1/8 wire very tightly for chafe protection.
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Yep mine are just 4 ft pieces of 1 inch thin PVC pipe, easy to lift and check turnbuckles, should have plenty of air flow too. will let you know after time. see pic
shroud rollers.jpg
Nov 19, 2008
Catalina C-22 MK-II Parrish, FL
Look in the turnbuckle section on the Garhauer Marine Catalog, that's where the Catalina Factory buys most of the hardware on your boat. I've purchased the black plastic tops and bottom pieces from them in the past. Didn't see them in the catalog, so you might just have to give them a call. If I remember, they are pretty cheap, and no ugly PVC pipe required, (but then again, I don't have a genoa). I do run the white Davis cable covers on my upper stays and my forward lower stays. Here is a link to the turnbuckle section of their catalog:


You're going to LOVE your MK-II. Not a racer, but a GREAT roomy cruiser!

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May 13, 2016
Catalina 22 MK II 15377 Granbury Texas
Based on some recommendations I took mine off, but the jib sheets kept getting caught on the shroud quick connects.
Thin wall PVC. Paint thinner or acetone takes off the printing.
Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
And those snag points are forward of your jib fairleads, I see, so you can't just flick it off.
Mar 23, 2015
Catalina 22 MK-II Dillon, CO
Thanks to everyone for the information, very useful. I think that I will initially leave the metal tubes on the rear turnbuckles and put PVC pipe (home depot) on the forward stays. A guy at our marina has this setup and apparently works pretty well on the lake. Also thanks CaptDon01 for the link to Garhauer Marine. I will contact them to see if I can get the end caps for the metal tubes.
Nov 17, 2013
Catalina 22 Scottsdale, AZ
Snag-magnets indeed! I finally removed them from my forward lowers, and just kept the one on the forestay. I found them cumbersome for trailer sailing anyway.
Gene - does your jib/genoa sit higher because of this? I thought about having one installed on my forestay just to make raising and lowering mast easier. Then I thought the two forward shrouds might be better because I thought it would interfere with the jib/genoa. Now it sounds as if the quick releases on the forward shrouds might interfere with the jib/genoa even more.

My MacGregor 21 had the quick release on the forestay and I loved it. So, I'm interested in your experience with the Catalina 22.


Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
When I was searching for the caps someone here [CaptDon01?] told me the correct name which helped immensely in finding replacements. Google "turnbuckle boot caps" to find sources galore. the thin wall pvc mentioned is called schedule 100. harder to find than schedule 40, but it's thin wall and the only one that the caps will fit. by drilling the covers full of holes I was able to quiet most of the naysayers and they still cure the problem of the wayward shroud adjusters when setting up just fine. A pop rivet in the caps is a good idea, and I found that placing a quick pin in the very bottom of each cover holds them in place between inspections. ;)
Sep 30, 2009
Catalina 250 CSA at Carlyle Lake
In your original post, you asked where you can get the metal covered turnbuckles. Those same turnbuckles came standard on my C-250 but they are no longer recommended. Regardless, they are available from Catalina Direct for my C250 but I don't see them for a C22. They might be different thread size.
Jul 23, 2013
1981 Catalina 22 #10330 Bayview, ID
Snag magnets, huh? I have yet to snag a sheet on mine. That might be because of the PVC tubes I have covering my turnbuckles attached above the levers and/or because I almost always have my headsails connected to a 24" pendant that raises them up over the pulpit. I like to call it my "poor man's tall rig." The sheets often sit right on top of the covers like this...

May 13, 2016
Catalina 22 MK II 15377 Granbury Texas
Exactly Stingy. I read your page and then installed the pvc on mine. That's the picture above.
Dec 5, 2011
Catalina Catalina 22 13632 Phenix City
I have 3 quick release levers on my boat and I could see the potential for snags coming so I took some extra Sunbrella fabric I had laying around and some velcro strips and made some rectangular covers that I put over the Q.R. levers. Sorry I have no pictures of them at the moment.