How do I make a mast raising system?

Mar 24, 2013
Newport 33 Seattle
I just bought a 2000 model year Catalina 18 and want to add on a mast raising system as I single hand a lot. Anyone out there have any knowledge on how to build one? Or, where to buy one? Thanks
Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
Re: How do I make a mast raising system for a Catalina 18?

You could do a Google search on the words "gin pole mast".


Aug 23, 2012
Catalina 22 Lake Pleasant
It's about leverage, I'd look around on-line but you could attach a block near the bow and run a line through it to the mast and then back to your winch and crank it up.
Mar 24, 2013
Newport 33 Seattle
Re: How do I make a mast raising system for a Catalina 18?

That's where my challenge is. If I can see a picture of it, I can make one. Not really a design guy, so that's where I need someone who knows the engineering of the thing. Thanks

Paul F

Jun 3, 2004
Hunter 1980 - 33 Bradenton
Re: How do I make a mast raising system for a Catalina 18?

What I did for my Flying Scott was add a removable 2 x 2 square aluminum tubing to the trailer front wench post. It extended about 4-5 feet higher than the wench post. Using a pulley bock on top of the post, the trailer wench cable pulled the mast up. This system worked very well. Having someone in the boat steading the mast while it is being raised makes the job easier. I was able to raise it myself when I was sailing alone.
Sep 25, 1999
Hunter 23.5 Indian Lake
mast raising

I just bought a 2000 model year Catalina 18 and want to add on a mast raising system as I single hand a lot. Anyone out there have any knowledge on how to build one? Or, where to buy one? Thanks
At one time there were a number of home made mast raising systems posted here . Several of them were from owners of h23s, .Check the archives . If you want me to tell you how I stepped our mast using my stepping plank let me know .
Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
Re: How do I make a mast raising system for a Catalina 18?

How much does it weigh?
Mar 24, 2013
Newport 33 Seattle
You could do a Google search on the words "gin pole mast".
Took your advice and did the Google Search route. ("Hello") Had forgotten the term Gin Pole and that was key of course. Have since downloaded approx. 50 pages of various designs, and now the gears are turning, just have to make up my shopping list now and locate the parts.

Thanks to All who responded.

Warm Winds and Fair Seas...
Mar 24, 2013
Newport 33 Seattle
Re: How do I make a mast raising system for a Catalina 18?

Great Video! and the model was a good forethought. I have some homework to do, but am now confident I will have something up and running before the Spring season hits. Kind Regards


Jun 1, 2004
Catalina 27 Mission Bay, San Diego
Re: How do I make a mast raising system for a Catalina 18?

For my Nacra 5.2 (17 ft boat, 25 ft rotating mast) I use a collapsible tripod, placed about 6 feet behind the trailer, that supports the mast in preparation for raising( I've seen many guys use a 6 or 7 foot ladder for this also). I have also seen devices that mount to the trailer... and props that sit in the cockpit... be creative, I guess. I use the tripod because it will fit in the boat box.

The trailer has a vertical beam up front for mast support when travelling. I fixed a block to the top of the support beam, just below the mast support cradle, and a simple Fulton trailer winch lower down, at waist level, on the same beam.

The boat must be strapped to the trailer, the trailer hooked to your vehicle, for this system to work safely.

To raise, all rigging is attached except the forestay, of course. The mast is inserted in the base... then propped up on the tripod to get it above horizontal. The line from the winch is connected to the forestay. The line has a screw pin shackle on the end... this pin will fit through the eye on the forestay, so if you have a sweged terminal eye, make sure it's the pin fits. The simply crank it up.

Okay, how here's the main issue: If your shrouds are not swept back, and attached to the chainplates on approximately the same plane as the mast base's pivot point... you will not have any sway problems as the stick goes up... if, however, like my beach cat the shrouds are swept back... no backstay... then they will not be tight as the mast goes up and there may be some swaying..... My answer to this is to use the adjustable trapeze lines anchored on the main beam.... You will have to find another solution, I have seen some rigs with struts temporarily attached to mast, I have seen gin pole arrangements that have guys to prevent side to side movement... etc... However, if the boat and trailer are level and the wind is not adverse, you may not have the problem at all... or at least you can control it by steadying the winch line...

Good luck.


Jan 15, 2006
Macgregor 22 Silverton
My biggest problem when raising my mast up from stern to bow is that the sweptback shrouds are slack until the mast is up, so it's hard to handle any glitch as it's lifted. I found that tight side stays(temporary baby stays) will keep that all in order and balanced. You don't need much force to keep the mast balanced as a large force is only needed if it goes away from balance. A port or starboard baby stay can be made using a 10ft. adjustable cargo strap with a hook on each end that is anchored perpendicular to the pivot point of the mast. I made a temporary bridle to put between the shroud and a cleat on each side to create a temporary pivot point to avoid adding new holes to the boat. The straps interlace at the mast so no modification there either. I wanted to take my gin pole with me so I could raise the mast on water. I built three single gin poles and two A-frames before deciding the type. A-frame won but I still had to keep the baby stays that I thought would go away(maybe too sloppy of a build?). I used 3/4" galvanized emt for the A and single speed wenches that are on the boat, with a couple blocks, for wenches. I can see where a ladder could work if only raising/lowering at the trailer.
Sep 25, 2008
CS 30 Toronto
Macgregor web site has video on mast raising system.
Its for 26ft boat with much longer mast. I used to do it single handed.
Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
Took your advice and did the Google Search route. ("Hello") Had forgotten the term Gin Pole and that was key of course. Have since downloaded approx. 50 pages of various designs, and now the gears are turning, just have to make up my shopping list now and locate the parts.

Thanks to All who responded.

Warm Winds and Fair Seas...
Howdy, and welcome.
Nov 19, 2008
Catalina C-22 MK-II Parrish, FL
Here is a short video of me lowering the mast on my Capri-18. The Capri-18 use basically the same set-up as the Macgregor's with the baby-stays and gin-pole. One key part is the mast crutch to lift the mast enough so you don't damage the front of the cabin hatch.

Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
Several things to consider. First, have a telescoping rear mast crutch to get the mast elevated up enough if using any raising system. Secondly, let out all the way the back stay(You can add a permanent lever to the backstay to loosen up while raising. Third, use a separate block and tackle attached from the forestay chain plate to a line for example the jib halyard that is long enough that comes back to the cockpit. (MAKE SURE THE JIB HALYARD IS SECURED) Then stand beside the mast when raising to steady it so it will not go sideways while raising. Make sure no lines are hanging loose and inspect the shroud turnbuckles attached at the chain plates are not binding. Also make sure the trailer is on a flat surface. With mast up, pin it but when releasing the line in the cam cleat, use your shoe vs. hand as it is under a lot of tension. Then go back and readjust back stay to proper tension OR CLOSE THE TENSION ADJUSTER IF YOU INVESTED IN THAT.

As a former Catalina dealer, this was the way I use to raise the mast by myself.

crazy dave condon
Feb 27, 2014
sovereign 17 Frostproof
Mast raising

That's where my challenge is. If I can see a picture of it, I can make one. Not really a design guy, so that's where I need someone who knows the engineering of the thing. Thanks
Hello, I engineered one for my 17' boat which has about an 18' mast. I'd send you pictures and instructions if you know away. It works extremely easy and you don't have to worry about it leaning to one side or tripping all over.
Nov 9, 2012
Oday 192 Lake Nockamixon
Sailin Dog, I have an O'day 192, very similar to your Cat 18. I built a mast crutch out of an 8' 2x4, it fits into the rudder gudgeons on the transom. (It angles the crutch forward, which is kinda weird, but it still works.) So far, I have used it to unstep the mast last fall. I stood in front of the mast on the cabin top, facing aft, and lowered the mast between my legs by walking aft. With the 8' rise, I didn't have to lower it too far, and it went surprisingly well. I was able to easily place the mast on the 4" bow roller I built into the top of the crutch. The roller allowed me to easily remove the pivot pint in the tabernacle, and roll the mast heel forward onto my bow pulpit.

I am hoping that stepping the mast this spring will be equally easy. With the mast set in it's elevated position on the long crutch, I won't have that far to lift, and I'm hoping I can keep it fully up by the jib halyard attached to the stem head fitting, allowing me to fiddle with the forestay. My biggest problem last year, prior to the long crutch, was shrouds catching on cleats on the side of the cabin while hoisting. I hoisted the damn thing 3 times before a clean hoist, and I was quite tired of the whole thing at that point, I can tell you :D Maybe bungees will control the shrouds for me this year. On the other hand, instead of being bone stubborn about doing it myself, I could get someone from the club to give me a hand, controlling the raised mast with the halyard until I get the forestay on...