Canadian Maritime Charts

Jan 6, 2014
Pearson Triton Cambridge
Hello All,

Looking for any and all Canadian Maritime charts for a trip from Salem, MA to Labrador and back this summer.

Particularly urgent needs:
Cape Breton East Coast and North Coast
Newfoundland West Coast and South Coast
Labrador (coast near Newfoundland, particularly Red Bay)

Pretty well covered with photocopies for Nova Scotia South Coast and Newfoundland East and North coasts.

I can pay some for the charts. Your old charts or photocopies at a good price would be greatly appreciated.

Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
How Much is Your Boat and Life Worth ...................

I can pay some for the charts. Your old charts or photocopies at a good price would be greatly appreciated.
................... that you'd be willing to go with old charts or unclear and piece meal photocopies.

Don't risk your boat and your life as Labrador waters are freezing cold and rock strewn under ideal summer conditions. Throw in some fog and rain :eek: :eek: :eek:.

Please order Canadian Hydrographic Charts from:

as it's just not worth the few dollars you're going to save.
Jan 6, 2014
Pearson Triton Cambridge
Have they moved any of the rocks? From my understanding most of these areas have not been re-surveyed in 50 years or more. No, I'm not going to pay more than $2000 for as many charts as I need.

My request still stands, thanks though.
Jan 6, 2014
Pearson Triton Cambridge
Sorry, didn't mean to be snippy. I appreciate your thoughts. Yes, challenging waters. To my understanding they have not been surveyed in many years. Canadian charts are ridiculously expensive, digital version are even worse. They are also ridiculously large.

I was advised by someone who made the same trip to make 2/3 size copies of the charts, and they are much more manageable. The copies are pretty high quality.

I see absolutely no need in getting new charts. I will have electronic charts too but prefer to have a paper backup. Or an electronic backup to the paper, depending.

To buy new would be about the budget for the trip entirely. Not happening.

Thanks though. I'll be very careful.


Apr 3, 2009
Oday 25 Erieau
Navionics vector charts are reasonably priced. You'd want 2XG Canada and SE Alaska. I know it's not the paper you asked for, but there you go.
Jan 6, 2014
Pearson Triton Cambridge
Yeah that's reasonable-ish.

How are those cards to use? Can you use one card in more than one device?
Jan 6, 2014
Pearson Triton Cambridge
All that said, I'm still looking for paper charts as described above.

Jan 6, 2014
Pearson Triton Cambridge
yup. that was me. I'm looking on multiple forums.

Just wondering if anyone here has any used paper charts available.


Apr 3, 2009
Oday 25 Erieau
Yeah that's reasonable-ish.

How are those cards to use? Can you use one card in more than one device?
The Navionics charts are a direct download into your navigation software (I use iNavx on an iPhone).
Unfortunately, it can only be "activated" onto one device.
Do they have cards too? I don't know, sorry.
May 7, 2012
Hunter e33 Maple Bay, BC
Sully, this not going to get your sought after charts; but, in my quest to assist I did come across this. The Cruising Guide to the Canadian Maritimes may cover some of where you are headed. Understanding that the Maritimes does not include Newfoundland. That would be your Atlantic Provinces. I have been in that area many times and also much further North and in one descriptive word "desolate".

www/ out of Bellingham seems to have something called portfolios. It looks like they package a number of charts together at a reasonable price. Here is an example of a search on "Newfoundland" on their site. Portfolios 154, 168, 169.
Jan 6, 2014
Pearson Triton Cambridge
Hey thanks!

Charts are probably a little too expensive still but in a pinch if I'm stuck good to know about it.

The book looks pretty good. Do you have it? Does it have much info on Southern Labrador and Northern Newfoundland?

I like desolate quite a bit.

May 7, 2012
Hunter e33 Maple Bay, BC
It looks like the 2/3rd size charts come out to about $5.00/chart. Of course you will probably not need most of them thus the per chart cost for your needed ones will be greatly increased. Maybe a free "Wanted" ad in craigslist or kijiji would generate some local interest.

I have not viewed the guide and with the word Maritime in the title I would not have thought that it would cover Nfld; but, from this forum it seems that it may.
Jan 6, 2014
Pearson Triton Cambridge
Looks like the book covers Southern Newfoundland but not the rest. I'm going to buy the CCA guide I think + the sailing directions which I'm told are spare but essential.

I've been checking out Kijiji for a while. I've already got $250 or so in photocopies of charts. Normal charts copy and shrink to 2/3ds pretty well. The few Loran charts I have copies of are pretty much a waste.

Thanks for your thoughts...that thread was handy.