What is that white thing on the starboard side of the motor?Not really a Mac-specific mod, but I swapped the prop on my Nissan NSF5BS (5hp) today from the standard 7.8 X 8 to the "high thrust" 8.375 X 6. If I remember correctly, the Nissan/Tohatsu part# 399B645121. I couldn't find it for less than $160 or so. Learned that the smaller Mercury motors are just a Tohatsu in disguise. I bought Mercury part #48-812951A02 for $107 as they are apparently discontinuing it in the Merc. line. Don't know if I'll have the chance to try it out this season, but wanted to check it for fit.
I little plastic plate the PO installed to keep the rudder out of the prop. I need to replace the screws with stainless bolts but haven't made the time yet.What is that white thing on the starboard side of the motor?
Yeah, she was doing her customary rolling in something foul smelling, then looking for a biscuit as a reward. :dance: Dogs - ya gotta love 'em.But.. it looks like you had some valuable help from the dog..
I have just listed my 26M for sale and have placed a presentation on youtube which shows all of the ($11,000) of mods. I will never recoop the money invested, but I had a ball coming up with ideas. A year ago, when I started the project, someone said "never happened without pictures". Enjoy.
I just tried link and it failed.
Try typing in address bar. If that fails do search on youtube for
My Sailboat Curt Anderson
Found problem--wrong URL. Try: