Puzzle me this: Marinas, Boat Yards

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Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
I absolutely need a new head sail. Has a 150. Sail lift wants me to go with a 130. No idea how to solve this issue.
This not an unusual issue. In general, the consensus seems to be that 150 and 155 headsails are not the best suit for the casual cruiser. We have suggested (by we, I mean a LOT of folks on this and other sailing forums) that a 130 is the most reasonable (notice, I didn't say "best" ! :)) choice for a headsail. It's manageable, goes upwind in a wider variety of wind range, can be held full while reefing the main before even thinking about furling the jib, and special or any long distance downwind work can be done either with the jib on a pole or an AS if you so choose.

I think their suggestions are proper.

Good luck, nice looking boat.
Aug 10, 2013
Cal 2-25 aka 25 MKII Portsmouth
Replaced. Reconfigured by original owner. Not real teak where replaced. Stained and varnished to try to match. No leaking.
Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
Musings with Maine Sail

That's the title of a great section of this website. Go to the Forums tab, Featured Contributors, Musings...

This is what you get:


The hull wax & buff is a great article, as are all of his contributions.

DIY is not so daunting when you know where to look for resources beyond the books.

We're here to help and can point you in the right direction for gaining information so YOU can decide whether or not to farm it out at higher cost or decide your time is more worth it to you.

I decided a long time ago, on our Catalina 22, Catalina 25 (much like yours for 12 years) and our current boat (15 years), that DIY can also be a "family" effort.

Good luck, happy reading.

Oh, also look at Don Guilette in the Featured Contributors, he does a section on sail trim, and we just discussed Big Jibs or Small. Should reflect what I wrote above.
Mar 31, 2012
Nord Cantieri 38 St Marys
NH Sailing,

I read your comments about boatyards and it truly hits home. Trust me when I say that gender means nothing in the marine industry when it comes to indifferent service and getting ripped off paying too much for half assed work and service.

The real problem is that too many people simply tolerate the pain, pay the bill and quietly move on.

You, like I, have a job where if we do not perform, then we do not get paid. The opposite seems to be the standard in the marine industry.

As a result of my past experiences, I now do most of my own work. When I find a job that i need to source out, I usually put the job on Craigslist and screen people very carefully.

Good luck with this project,


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
I am simply a tightwad. What I don't spend I don't have to earn and pay taxes on. I just can't bring myself to pay someone to do work that I am perfectly capable of doing well.
May 4, 2005
Macgregor 26d Ft Lauderdale, Fl
that black hull with red bottom does look nice.

I was thinking black hull with red stripe or letters. since both are dark colors its hard to read red.

anyway the white hull will buff out.

I'd paint on season 2 or 3. after you have bumped your hull in the the fuel dock the 10 time... (after you have the docking down)..

ps: can you lift the engine out of the water for storage? (does it tilt?) if not a articulating (garlick or similar) engine mount might be added to your wish list.

how about: any deck leaks? chain plates /bulkheads are solid ?


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Ha! I was set into a nun in a flat calm this year. No damage and no witness. ;)
May 18, 2010
Oday 27 Gulfport, MS
Ahh, the photos arrived; nice looking vessel NH! Yes, can tell PO took care of it.

In your negotiations, it's best to remember that most boat yard owners are descended from pirates. Nefarious lot they are.

--OK, maybe that's too harsh...pirates don't deserve such a bad rap.

May 23, 2004
I'm in the market as were . Colonial Beach
Nice looking boat. I get why you want to paint it, but I think that she looks great the way that she is.

One place that I would look at are the chain plates. It looks like water has been running down the wood in the pictures and the chain plates need to be rebedded. I would check the deck in this area as well.

The answer to the jib question is based on your preferences. How are the wind conditions where you primarily sail? Stronger = smaller jib, light = bigger jib. I have a 155 on my Catalina 30 and if I put a new jib on it would be a 135. I have a tall rig and the 155 is a bit much in winds around 15 knots.

If you were already doing work in the bilge it would have been a good time to add the bilge pump. This is a very easy job that wouldn't take long to do.

I hope all goes well with the yard that you choose to use. At least you know that you have a boat with a good rep for sailing. They are supposed to be relatively quick!
Jan 22, 2008
Fed up w/ personal attacks I'm done with SBO
Puzzle me this back at 'cha

I'd like to know why my questions in post #76 were ignored.
Last edited:
Jan 22, 2008
Fed up w/ personal attacks I'm done with SBO
[off topic slightly]

I have the posts ordered most recent first, probably the opposite of most members and on mine, the referenced post is clearly #76. Maybe there's a numbering shift with order preference. Either way, #76 or #77, although I felt my questions would help clarify some of the issues mentioned early in the thread, I'm feeling they were deemed inconsequential.

And I'm not liking it.

It's apparent I should stop asking questions but NH, be advised that if considering gelcoat, red gelcoat + a season or two = pink.
May 4, 2005
Macgregor 26d Ft Lauderdale, Fl
So you've seen my bf dock at the fuel dock have you. ;-)
LOL, No, but being in and around boats for over 50 years, I know new boat owners make mistakes....

After you have used a boat for 3-10 years, you still make mistakes, but less of them. (or, just not the same ones)

paint is cosmetic. doesn't make the boat work any better or go faster.

1+ on the bulkhead chain plates. looks like leaks to me too. -if True, its serious, and needs to be addressed.

Aug 20, 2010
Oday 27 Oak Orchard
The red on black might be an interesting combination. The red would stand out if it were bright enough. Just some thoughts on that color scheme. 2, one inch wide boot stripes with an inch wide shear stripe set down 2 or 3 inches from the rubrail. I've seen this in black and white and it is a striking combination. I believe this was a C&C color combination. Just a thought to consider. PS: remind boyfriend, flesh before fiberglass especially after refinishing.
Jul 4, 2013
S2 9.2C Savannah
I often wonder if the people who say they are doing their own work on their boat to "save money" have ever actually sat down to figure out what their time is really worth. Personally, my time is a lot more valuable than the $75/hr that a typical boat repair would cost in labor. I would be better served spending that four hours that a repair would take in the office drumming up new business, and paying the professional to handle the boat repair. Other people are different, but many of the people I hear making comments about saving money by doing their own repairs are people who I know without a doubt would come out ahead by doing a little extra work at their job and getting a pro to handle the boat repairs. They've just never taken the time to figure it out, and just assume that doing the work themselves will "save money."

Granted, this doesn't take into account the people who do the work themselves for other reasons, such as wanting to learn their boats inside and out. That's a different subject.

Tim R.

May 27, 2004
Caliber 40 Long Range Cruiser Portland, Maine
Yes, my hourly rate is more than the marina. I do my own work for the following reasons:

- I want it done right.
- I want it done on time.
- I want to know exactly how the system works because there is not always a marina around to fix my boat.
- Mainly, I enjoy working on my boat.
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