Zinc coating on a Max Prop

May 27, 2012
Hunter 380 Nanaimo, BC; Canada
Does anyone spray the zinc coating used on the prop shaft on their Max Prop? Is there another coating that is better as the bio-growth affects its movement?
Jan 5, 2021
Hunter 41 DS Saint Petersburg
PYI is now selling this, Crystal Prop. I would be interested in knowing if anyone has given this a try.
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
Depends on how much you motor. We used the zinc spray on our Maxprop and it worked well for a while, but after 5,000 miles of sailing and motoring, it was long gone.
Jan 5, 2021
Hunter 41 DS Saint Petersburg
PYI is now selling Crystal Prop. I haven't tried it, but probably will give it a shot on my next haul out.


Feb 5, 2004
Tartan 3800 20 Westport, MA
I was thinking of trying this: Pettit Zinc Coat Barnacle Barrier.
