Yanmar tachometers "calibration"

Feb 26, 2009
Oday 30 Anchor Yacht Club, Bristol PA
On my 3gm30 I have of course the flywheel mounted sensor for the tach I'm quite convinced it's is off by maybe 300 RPM at higher RPMs low RPM seems okay (no I don't have a handheld tach, ) seems to me the sensor could be cleaned but from the little bit of research I've done, it's usually the tachometer itself needs to be replaced? Not something to do today, but put it on the to-do list for the future!
Nov 6, 2006
Hunter 34 Mandeville Louisiana
Not unusual .. mine is off 400-500 RPM.. I think when I do replace it, it will be with a VDO .. some of their diesel tachs can take input from our "tooth counter" pickup .. I had decided on their model 333-163.. but it looks like no one has those.. chip shortage maybe?
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
A new tach is not a big deal. VDO is the best buy.

It's also a good idea to invest in an optical tach. Any VDO can be setup without a tach but it's always nice to run a check every few years. You want the cheapest handheld tach you can find with no bells and whistles. This is identical to the one I bought about twenty years ago and paid about four time as much.


I'd suggest getting the optical tach first and checking your currently installed tachometer.
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Oct 21, 2009
hunter 38 Monaco
There is also Tinytach as a digital rpm & eng hours solution. The sensor is placed on the injection tube for measuring pulses.