Well, as has been hit on, this pretty much means either too much fuel or not enough air. The possible causes are numerous. But, the fact that this comes at a certain RPM regardless of load, and that it accompanied by a distinct sound, it could be the sign of something serious.
A poorly-balanced cam shaft, or anything else internal to the engine that was results in an imbalance, could produce this exact effect. To understand this think about a washing machine. You can load it up unbalanced and wait for the spin cycle. It will spin just fine up to a point, but at a certain RPM, the oscillations occur at just the right frequency to really shake to machine. The machine won't want to spin any faster because of the huge strain on the motor resulting from the wild oscillations.
If a motor is out of balance, the same thing happens. And, this sort of strain could well cause the incomplete combustion and thus the smoke you are seeing.
This certainly wouldn't be my first suspicion, but having ensured the air intake was unobstructed, and seeing that the symptoms came on at the same RPM regardless of load, I would certainly start thinking about the engine internals, and I would be very delicate with the engine until you've eliminated a balance problem.