Yamaha 36 Mast Step Drains


Sep 15, 2024
Yamaha 36 Vancouver
I have a Yamaha 36 built in 1981. The two 3/8" drains in the mast step at the cabin floor were plugged, so when it rains they fill up (some water gets through the cabin ceiling around the mast through the main sail track seem).

We have been able to clean the two drains down about 14" with a drill, then it seems like the drains turn in an "L" shape to the bilge where there is a single hole, and we are having trouble using a drain snake to clean the last part, or get at the single drain hole from the bilge.

Does anyone know what the mast step drains look like (i.e. are they an "L" shape that connect to the bilge), and how to clear them?