Yamaha 30 listing to starboard

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I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. My Yamaha 30 in Morro Bay lists about 3-5 degrees to starboard when in it's slip. I have all new standing rigging so I doubt that is it. I have a lectrasan and the engine battery in the V-berth starboard side and some supplies under the starboard settee. Then there is the 3 burner range and a small microwave in the galley. Both water tanks (port and starboard side) are empty! On the port side, in the V-berth there is one battery and then the head is a porcelain type with macerator. The pilot berth has 2 more batteries and a lot of tools. The boom is tethered to starboard but it makes no difference if it is tethered to port. I changed slips about 2 weeks ago and it lists only about 3 degrees starboard now but is still noticeable. I never had this problem when in Santa Barbara but we did have a hell of a gale coming up to Morro Bay and the captain couldn't reef the sails so a lot of stress was put on the new rigging. People always comment on how my boat "lists" and wonder if it is taking on water which it isn't. Just a tad embarrassing! Any suggestions?


It doesn't take much to change the trim on

a small boat. Have someone move around on deck while you observe from the dock. I can introduce about 10 degrees of list if I hang onto the lower shrouds and lean outboard.

Nice N Easy

Shuffle some things

around. Like batteries and tools. It doesn't take a lot to induce some list in a 30. Maybe move one battery from starboard to port. This is like double the battery weight, as you take x pounds from one side, add x pounds to the other side. Same goes for tools, which are fairly heavy.


What if no one is on board?

I realize that moving about will cause the boat to list but what if no one is on board and you look from the dock. Is your boat still listing? Mine does! Everyone elses boat I look at is straight on no matter what kind of gear they have stowed on board. Mine always lists just a tad to starboard. Never figured out why. Just wondering if any other Yamaha owners have noticed this with their boats. Thanks for the reply!


I've already got twice as much weight to port

which really bothers me. With 3 batteries, all the tools and the porcelain head to port and only 1 battery, the lectrasan unit and the galley to starboard, you'd think that port would be heavier. As soon as someone sits in the starboard settee, the boat lists 5 degrees. If two people sit then it lists ten degrees. When no one is on it, it lists about 3 degrees. If someone sits on port side, it goes to zero. If two people sit on port side, it still stays about zero! Do you think anything could be wrong with the hull or just because it is a Yamaha and sleek? Like I said, I never noticed this listing in Santa Barbara and the surveyor didn't see it either.


Check again with two people to port.

When I have a skillet on the stove I can track Nancy's movenents from port to starboard by the movement of the melted fat in the skillet. Put a long level across the settees and check that for the movement. Or Hang a plumb bob from the cabin top to the cabin sole. You said that "JUST" the galley is starboard. My three burner Force Ten weighs in at about 75 pounds. Then there are the pots and pans, the food in the ice box. You have an added microwave oven. The last one of those I picked up was about 40 pounds. Where do you keep potable water? and bottled drinks? A 16 ounce beer weighs 1 pound. How about ice? A gallon of water weighs 8 pounds. I freeze water in jugs and often load 50 pounds for a week long trip.


I guess it is normal

My ice box has been converted to a refrigerator so the biggest weight is at the stern midship. I do have quite a few water bottles (small) in it. I don't have water in the tanks because I put in a city water adapter and that is how I hook up when at dock. I guess if I added the force 10 and the microwave, the lectraSan which probably weighs 50 pounds and a marine battery, it could weigh more than my porcelain head, 3 port batteries and all the tools. Maybe what I should do next time I'm there is to move the boom to port and see if that straightens it out now since it is only about 3 degrees to starboard when no one is on the boat. I think you are definitely right. I added the micro and the lectra san which weighs more than an empty holding tank after I moved from Santa Barbara so the weight could be more to starboard now than back then. I will test this out! Thanks..........

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