Wood Mast for 1954 D-Scow

Jun 3, 2022
Johnson D-Scow Big Sandy Lake, MN
I have a 1954 Johnson Boat Works D-Scow.
I'm in need of a good mast for the boat.
I'm not sure if one from a C or A could work or be adapted to work
Unlike a C the D-Scow has a Jib

I do have a mast however due to unfortunate circumstances it is no longer usable
However all the hardware from it is usable and I can retrofit any mast in usable condition that might work.

I will consider an aluminum mast but obviously vintage would be preferred

Any help or information would be greatly appreciated
Jun 3, 2022
Johnson D-Scow Big Sandy Lake, MN
Thank You So Much...
I have not yet figured out if an E-Scow or C-Scow mast could work?
This one is about 30' long
If it's about the same length I could probably make it work out
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
Can the mast be repaired or rebuilt? A competent Millwright shop might be able to help.

May 25, 2012
john alden caravelle 42 sturgeon bay, wis
"Ds" were hand made wood scows from the builder that started the sailing scow race boat game. they came with a lemonade finish. a little yellow tint in the varnish.

they had jibs.

would one put a chevy engine in his 32 ford? i suppose some might. the OP lives in scow country. either fix the mast or build a new one. it's an old wood boat. old wood boat skills will be used to keep it floating. a mast is there fore no big deal.

their are guys up your way that can shed some light on your needs.

sniff around, hotrod. hint: lake minnetonka