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Joe Gluvna

i need info on wiring for the mac 21....i bought a new battery and have the boat pretty much in shape to go in the water, but the wiring is kind of a mess..is there a diagram somewhere...???


wiring can be a slight pain in the you know where

Be careful using old wiring because it may be frayed or rotted in some remote locations. Rewiring can be quite a project but it will save you a lot of troubles in the long run. Are you running everything through a fuse panel? I'm sure if the 21's came with a factory wiring but if they did I am sure someone in here could help you out. I know the 26's have wiring systems in them but eventhough mine is a 1990 it has been modified from the original wiring layout.

Joe Gluvna


thanks..i think the wiring came with the boat..i bought it a few weeks ago and will put in the water (Lake Erie) today..yes, the wiring comes through a fuse panel....i will try to get a diagram through a dealer..Joe
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