Checking on the green cover over CHRISTMAS usually means a glance as I walk by. All's well. This winter we've seen little snow (so far) but plenty of wind topping 70 knots here on the shore.
More the worry for me is the deep draft 40'er, to the right, with the mast in. I pay more attention to adjusting this boat's jack stands than I do my own.
A new neighbor has shown up in our boatyard. Noahs Ark me thinks.
These houseboats are a bit of a thing these days around here (rare). A few have cropped up on our coast.
Like the rest of us, my daughter is paying attention to the ice as we walk the dogs around the inner harbor. I've seen this houseboat before. The barge beneath looks new to me. Then I remember,....
Over 10 years ago, I spotted it on an island out in the bay. At that point, it had apparently been previously hauled above the HW line and blocked, permanently (or so I thought). Someone long ago watched TV in the ark.
The barge beneath must have been shot as you can see. Someone cut an entrance door in the side of the barge and house. It looked like the final chapter to me. It had become a storage shed by looks.
Never count a boat out.