Wind speed instruments

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Geoff Kloster

How accurate are they? We just finished a charter in the Apostles. On a very windy day the meter read consistantly between 40-50k with gusts pegging the needle at 60+. We were in a Tartan 33, with double reefed main until the wind persisted above 40k. Then we motored. Waves in the open areas were about 5 feet, mild breaking. Were we really in gale force winds or are these instruments not that trustworthy? Last year we were on a C&C 30 and sailed for 4 hours in winds 40-45k gusting to 55. We flew the jib only and it worked fine on all points of sail, though a bit scarry on the short close reach segment of the trip. Were we really in gale force winds? We never felt out of control with the C&C. We felt very out of control with the Tartan; thus we doused the sail. How accurate are these instruments? How are they calibrated. (Our own boat is a Hunter 23; not good above 20k.) How

Tron Jockey


Are you sure the instrument was reading Kts? If it was set for Km it would be reasonable. 60 Km/hr = 32 Kts
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