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There are a few questions i am looking to get answered? 1) What would cause a 26x to capsize on a fairly calm lake under prop power. 2) Is there a recommended weight limit as far as passengers in regards to the 26x. 3) If the boat were to capsize in calm waters under power how fast would it take for the boat to roll completly over...in terms of real time and force. 4) Does this happen often. 5) Does this boat have a center board and is there just one ballast tank or two. any information in regards to this would be appreciated thank you


Capsize reasons

The 26x has a center board. The manufacturer recommends that the board be completely raised when powering above 5mph. If the boat is moving fast with the board down it can create tremendous underwater lift forces which might cause a capsize. The 26x has a number of interconnected ballest tanks; one in the bow, one in the stern and two large channels between the two which act as stiffing rails, side ballast tanks and bow and aft tank connectors. The tanks should be completely full or completely empty. If they are partially full, and the boat heels, ballast water will run to the low side of the boat and aggravate the heel. This could also cause a capsize. I think the manufacturer rates the capacity at 6 people. They do warn that with this many on board, weight distribution is important (not everyone on the same side). My dealer just advised that if you have a lot of people on board, keep the ballast tank full. Sounds like a good idea


Several reasons

The boat did not have it's ballast tanks full. All it would take was one cruiser to go by and wake it broad side with that may people on board and it would go over. 11 people is a lot of people for that boat, 8 would be about as many as you would want. The boat has one ballast tank which doesn't do much good when it's filled with air. This is the only reported case I have heard of and the fact that the owner was intoxicated and a convicted felon probably doesn't help the situation at all. The boat does have a centerboard but I am sure that was not down either.


Operator Error

The Mac 26X, is actually quite safe. Jamie and Paul have mentioned technical points, that are very important. The biggest cause of this tragic disaster, boils down to this. Human error caused by negligence on the part of the operator (Skipper). It is not due to faulty design, but to the Skipper not following instructions recommended by the manufacturer. All boat manufacturers promote boating and water safety. Its just like a car. MOST of the time its the operator, not the car that is to blame for the accident. In answer to your question of this happening often on a Mac 26X, the answer is no. Any boat, and or ship for that matter can capsize given the right circumstance. Rogue Waves come to mind, disrepair. There could be scores of reasons, but most of the time its Human Error.
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