Where do you stow fenders?

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ODO Editorial

Fenders. The bigger the better when you're at the dock. But underway, they're a big pain in the backside. Where you stow yours while underway?

Justin - O'day Owner's Web

Attached to the Dock!

On my daysailer, the fenders live in clips under the gunwales, but they're pretty small. On my Catalina, the fenders live in the laz. The best thing I've seen yet though is on a friend's Kelly Peterson. He has massive fenders, but they're attached to his slip, not his boat. He is a liveaboard, and uses his boat for daysails and weekend trips. He tends to anchor on the weekend trips, and not use guest slips, and so he doesn't miss them while he's out. Justin - O'day Owner's Web


Have one handy

I keep one large fender on top in the sail locker for such unexpected things as rafting along another boat, docking and letting someone jump off for a quick ice run or the like. Other fenders are in the locker but not necessarily hung on top. this large fender has saved many a big BUMP. I usually have a stern line with it. Bow lilne in the anchor locker. Oday 30...

ODO Editorial

Final results

Final results for the Quick quiz ending 4/24/00: Where do you stow fenders while underway? 35% Locker 25% Off stern rail 20% Side decks 20% Other
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