What's your favorite point of sail?

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What's your favorite point of sail? Do you prefer the breathtaking thrill of when you douse your rails, close hauled? Do you like the efficiency of a good, solid reach? Would you rather watch the canvas on a broad reach, enjoy the warmth and peace of a refreshing run? Where does the wind blow you? Tell us here, then vote in this week's Quick Quiz at the bottom of the home page?

LaDonna Bubak - CatalinaOwners

I'm lazy

I enjoy being close-hauled in an adrenaline rush sorta way but nothing can beat a good run or broad reach. Ahhhhh. Relaxing, warm and easy. My favorite boat saying: "Trim for sun!" :) LaDonna

gary jensen

Flying a Spinnaker while racing

All sailing points are enjoyably, however being on deck with a spinnaker in 22 plus knots is great.(especially jibing in a close race)

David Foster


Like the boat speed, and our h27 is best on a reach. Love to see the cruising spinnaler up. (Lady Lillie doesn't point very well close hauled with a shoal draft keel, and the standard foresail rigging.) Running is slower, and the flies tend to find us.

Dick Vance

Anything But Motoring

I like upwind sailing unless I've got my crew together...then, like Jeff and Gary, nothing beats the spinnaker! Of course, any point of sail beats motoring! :) Dick Vance H-25.5 "Honey Bear"

Mark Johnson

"Close hauled"

is my favorite point of sail. It's exiting and keeps everyone on their "toes". Unfortunately, usuallly the wind is coming from the wrong direction for me to be "close hauled" to go to where I want to go! Ain't that always the case!


Surfing the swell...

on a nice downhill run is my favorite. Anything besides motoring dead into the wind is fun too!

Don H.

I always try for a screaming reach.

I like to sail faster than hull speed, which is 7.6 kts for my H37.5. An effective way to exceed 7.6 knots is to beam reach in 15+ knots of wind. The apparent wind builds up to around 20 knots as the boat accelerates. I have held a steady 8.0 kts when the conditions are optimum. That is what I hope for. When surfing down waves, I have occasionally hit 9.2 knots, but that is like a "cheap thrill". When you bottom out in the trough, you are back to 7.5 knots again. I think it is possible to surf over 10 knots, but after 5 years and 18,000 miles of sailing this boat, I have not been able to get the "perfect wave". Have any 37.5 owners out there in cyberland exceeded 10 knots? Beam reaching is the best. All the rest is just sailing.

Steve Cook

Beam reach for The Odyssey

The Odyssey just loves a beam reach and I normaly see boat speeds from 7.8 to 8.4 knots at 10% heel in 15kt winds, well past my 7.1 hull speed. Gotta love it!!! Steve, s/v The Odyssey(H310)

Paul Akers

Beam Reach

My L37 sails best on a beam reach. She just squats and flies.


the closer the better!

don't quite understand why but this boat seems to sail its very best the closer to the wind you can get it. it picks up speed and just is a pleasure to sail, unbelievable, what a thrill!

Brian Jarchow

What kind of boat?

My answer depends on the kind of boat being used. For small dinghys I like to be close hauled. Heeled over, hanging way out, water splashing all over, it's awesome. On larger boats nothing beats a broad reach flying a chute. You don't feel the wind as much and it's a great chance to just relax and enjoy the ride. For a rush, absolutely nothing beats a beam reach in a catamaran. On a Hobie 18, out on the trapeze in a strong wind, you feel alive. If anybody here hasn't experienced that, get out there and try it!

Bradley Cavedo

Close Reach

On the P42, a close reach is its fastest point of sail; about 60 to 70 degrees. The boat just jumps out of the water.

Edward Smith

A Broad Reach

My 170 Jumps out of the hole at wind speeds of 12 knots plus. When she comes up on the plane it feels so exhilerating. Otherwise a great point is the Beam Reach and I can sail back and forth all day. With winds above 5 knots the boat just heels enough to ride with your foot propped on the opposite bench and of course if a breeze comes along I just turn off wind slightly into a broad reach. Close hauled is hard work on this devil and I keep my gloves handy. Oh, the heck with it, it's all SAILING. Yeh!


It Depends

It all depends on what I'm doing or where I'm going. We usually try to sail as efficiently as possible aboard SV Pretty Lady (a throwback to my racing years) We fly the chute at every opportunity ... Cant wait too get an asymetrical chute to take to pole out of the equation. The most thrilling point is downwind, chute out, surfing a swell ....... YAAAHOOOOOO!!! ...

Thomas Ehmke


Beyond that, any point of sail that a fair wind allows. Don't we all love being on the water in a sailboat regardless of the point of sail!!


Final results

Final results fore the Quick Quiz ending 2/5/2001: What's your favorite point of sail? 37% Close hauled 37% Reach 21% Broad reach 05% Run Notes by brand: fewer Beneteau owners preferred close hauled; fewer Hunter and Macgregor owners liked running; this was even more pronounced among Oday owners.
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