We’ve heard this term “residual value” mentioned in discussions of yachts’ market pricing. Beyond comparisons of sale price among comparable models of similar size and age, how do we estimate “residual value” if there is such a thing? My working definition has been that a yacht reaches its minimum residual value when inflation halts or slows significantly its depreciation. If you bought a yacht 20 years ago for, say, $150,000 the equivalent yacht price in 2024 would be $250,523. Annual depreciation at 5% on the declining balance starting at $250,523 would be to $89,000 after 20 yr. Depreciating on the original sale price after 20 yr brings it to $53,771. Assuming depreciation going forward effectively matches annual inflation, would either of those values become its “residual value.” How would one decide? What would be the estimated asset value of the yacht today lacking a market survey? Is there a distinction between “asset value” and “market value”? People say correctly that it’s worth what you can sell it for, i.e. the market value is the asset value. But what if you are not selling?
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