West Marine Classic Dinghy


Dec 20, 2009
Hunter 466 Bremerton
Looking for any feedback on the West Marine Classic Dinghy. It is a Walker Bay look alike but a bit heavier. I would stow it on my foredeck and use it primarily while cruising the Puget Sound and San Juans...rough beaches are a norm. Thanks.
Jan 6, 2010

Don't you mean, "Waste Marine?"

I have not heard many good things about their inflatables over the years pal, many separation problems. It might behoove you to check the local marine adds. People are always selling hard & soft dinks.

You may find one that works & the $$ is right. I have a great 8' Achilles inflatable that is pretty heavy duty & fits on my foredeck nicely. It has a good angled bow rise & I don't get the sprayed when running in light chop conditions.

Take your time, look around first.

Jan 6, 2010

Don't you mean, "Waste Marine?"

I have not heard many good things about their inflatables over the years pal, many separation problems. It might behoove you to check the local marine adds. People are always selling hard & soft dinks.

You may find one that works & the $$ is right. I have a great 8' Achilles inflatable (that I bought used) that is pretty heavy duty & fits on my foredeck nicely. It has a good angled bow rise & I don't get the sprayed when running in light chop conditions.

I would suggest that you take your time, look around first.

Oct 24, 2010
Hunter 30 Everett, WA
The one he is talking about is a hard dinghy. http://www.westmarine.com/buy/west-marine--classic-dinghy--11985512

No experience there, but I didn't buy a Walker Bay dinghy because the one I was looking at wouldn't hold enough weight for it's size. I ended up with a used 8 foot Livingston that goes unused today. The Livingston stability is really good but the modern inflatables are even better. The up side of the hard boats are better rowing. If you motor it isn't a big factor.


Dec 20, 2009
Hunter 466 Bremerton
Well I had a long reply typed but my cat stepped on the key board and deleted it so rather than typing it again I bought a boat show special West Marine Classic Dinghy and will give some feedback.

Capn Ron, I have looked at hard shells and RHIBs for several years and own a perfectly serviceable 9.5 inflatable with an air floor but since we will do some remote cruising in the PNW (rough beaches) I decided on the hard shell. Speed is not a factor and my outboard is a 43lb 5hp 2 stroke Tohatsu. I don't want to go bigger (heavier) outboard wise. I purchased the WM hard shell for less than one third the price of the nearest lt wt RHIB. Keep you posted on the performance. Cheers, Mike
Feb 8, 2014
Columbia 36 Muskegon
I've never seen that particular dinghy except in the catalog, but I do know it's made here in Muskegon by KL industries who also make the Watertender 9.4. Those are extremely popular around here and many of the owners have bought more than one. The West Marine dinghy looks a lot like the Walker Bay 10 which is a pretty decent boat, although not as commonly seen as the 8 footer. I'm on my second WB 8 and an pretty happy with them, except that they are quite tender as any round bottom boat would be. I especially like the light weight for hauling in and out and hosting to the cabin top.


Dec 20, 2009
Hunter 466 Bremerton
Well my son, 2 year old grandson and I did a sea trial and that's when I noticed to my chagrin that the 3 person limit also had a weight limit as well. Would you believe that three persons had a weight limit = to 348 lbs. Well My son and I total 390 and the little guy was 25 lbs and add 10lbs for oars and oarlocks so at 425lbs and 2" of freeboard in the stern we thought this wasn't the right dinghy. It is intended for use on his Cat 25 as a tender and a liferaft should the Cat 25 have an issue of some sort. West Marine to their credit said bring it back no problems.

So does anybody have feedback on a Quicksilver 275. Some on clearance at a local store. This particular model has a very robust rubber (?) hull and is advertised as a beach inflatable which would be handy on the rough and sometimes rocky shores around Puget Sound. It has a payload of 705lbs and weighs 100lbs. Thanks
Nov 8, 2010
Beneteau First 36.7 & 260 Minneapolis MN & Bayfield WI
I have never understood the West Marine bashing. While their salespeople are usually not at the same level as a independent chandlery, their stores are usually well stocked and priced reasonably. If you don't think so, don't shop there.

What I like is that for many people, and in most areas, they are the only ones wiling to set up shop selling sailboat parts. Dallas?? Minneapolis? Denver? Try and find another place to buy a snap shackle the same day you need it.

The kids that work there don't often know much, but that's OK. I do. I'm just happy they are there, and have the part.
Sep 15, 2009
S2 9.2a Fairhope Al
I have never understood the West Marine bashing. While their salespeople are usually not at the same level as a independent chandlery, their stores are usually well stocked and priced reasonably. If you don't think so, don't shop there.

What I like is that for many people, and in most areas, they are the only ones wiling to set up shop selling sailboat parts. Dallas?? Minneapolis? Denver? Try and find another place to by a snap shackle the same day you need it.

The kids that work there don't often know much, but that's OK. I do. I'm just happy they are there, and have the part.
lol i agree with that Jack ...convenance is worth something....but you know how tight we sailors are.....and it was told in the military that a man is at his happiest when he is complaining .....


Feb 21, 2008
Hunter 29.5 Punta Gorda
I own and love our mercury quicksilver 310 RIB. I have a 5hp 4 stroke that moves it along just fine. I got a good deal several years ago at the Miami boat show from Busters Marine. Mine is Hyperlon and so far no problems. It does weight 110lbs but I can lift it when I need to like out of the water for garage storage. It is very stable when getting in and out or mounting the motor. I bought a crane to mount the motor which for me is the hardest part of getting set up when I arrive at an anchorage.
Jul 27, 2011
Bavaria 38E Alamitos Bay
The West Marine stores of old (mid-1980's) were fantastic places to shop and buy stuff for the boat. Not so much now, IMHO. It's often a frustrating experience in that the stores DO NOT, in my opinion, maintain good inventories of stuff that I'm typically seeking for my EU (European Union) manufactured yacht. Yes, the "Associates" are good folks but they can work only with what they have. The stores here in the LA area have reassigned floor space to stock A LOT of apparel and fishing equipment. One "WM" in Dana Point was entirely accessories, apparel, and nautical do-dads; maybe could buy some engine oil there. I don't need a completely "new something" everytime I go a marine store; usually, I need to fix something--- so try finding components or parts of some gear a few years old at a WM store. Few chanderlies remain about. If the WM are going to take over the marine hardware business, then the company should be more attentive to its customers needs!!
May 23, 2004
I'm in the market as were . Colonial Beach
Take a look around at people's back yards. If you see a hard dingy that has been sitting for a while offer the owner $200 for it. You would be surprised how well that works.

That is how I bought my current dingy. Take a look at Craigslist also.
Feb 8, 2014
Columbia 36 Muskegon
Right about their inventories. The few times I've gone in looking for something, I would have had to order it. I can do that from home, cheaper. And their delivery is to the store on the next truck, which is next week Friday. I don't even try anymore unless I absolutely need our today, and usually I'm still SOL. There is another store here in Muskegon (Torreson) which gets bashed on this site a lot, but at least they have stuff on the shelf and their people know what they're doing.
Jul 27, 2011
Bavaria 38E Alamitos Bay
Right about their inventories. The few times I've gone in looking for something, I would have had to order it. I can do that from home, cheaper. And their delivery is to the store on the next truck, which is next week Friday. I don't even try anymore unless I absolutely need our today, and usually I'm still SOL. There is another store here in Muskegon (Torreson) which gets bashed on this site a lot, but at least they have stuff on the shelf and their people know what they're doing.
I've ordered stuff from Torresen marine that I could not find here! You're lucky. There's another good store in Portland ME, Hamilton Marine, which has lots of good stuff!! Good place to shop for foulies.


Mar 16, 2010
Beneteau 411 Oceanis Annapolis
A hard dingy makes a poor all purpose tender and will not work as a lifeboat. You need an inflatable for that purpose. If you intend to beach your boat, then the choices come down to RIBs.