The West Marine stores of old (mid-1980's) were fantastic places to shop and buy stuff for the boat. Not so much now, IMHO. It's often a frustrating experience in that the stores DO NOT, in my opinion, maintain good inventories of stuff that I'm typically seeking for my EU (European Union) manufactured yacht. Yes, the "Associates" are good folks but they can work only with what they have. The stores here in the LA area have reassigned floor space to stock A LOT of apparel and fishing equipment. One "WM" in Dana Point was entirely accessories, apparel, and nautical do-dads; maybe could buy some engine oil there. I don't need a completely "new something" everytime I go a marine store; usually, I need to fix something--- so try finding components or parts of some gear a few years old at a WM store. Few chanderlies remain about. If the WM are going to take over the marine hardware business, then the company should be more attentive to its customers needs!!