Weathering a storm, big waves

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My wife & I are seriously looking at purchasing a Mac 26X before next years sailing season. A close friend and power boater related his biggest reservations about the Mac 26X from the info I have in the brochure. If you're caught in a heavy rain, (storms on St Clair, Lake Erie can pop up quickly especially if you're spending a weekend), is there a different cover, or a complete enclosure for the cockpit? He says sitting at the helm running for shore with only that bimini for protection looks like it would be murder. We got caught in our 18' Chysler Buccaneer in 4-5' rollers once. We sailed a mile or two across Lake Charlevoix in 5 to 10 MPH breezes and returned in winds pushing 30. Besides an occasional break over the bow and water up to our ankles, I thought the boat might break in half. How secure is a Mac 26X in heavy seas? My power boater friend wonders about falling overboard from the cockpit. And does the cabin door keep it dry below? Does water from the cockpit ever drain through the doorway onto the rear berth?


26X is Strudy

I sail a 26X in the North Sea, where Foul Weather and big/sharp swell is the order of the day. You need not worry on any of the points you mention (except perhaps your power-boating friend who insists on remaining dry while at the helm - he should pull himself together!). However, as with all boats you must know its characteristics and your own abilities as Captain before you set off into potential hazards. Best wishes with new boat.

Jim Bailey

Storm & Big Waves

Joe, you've come up with some good questions. I agree with SeaLord. The 26X is stable, and suprizingly sturdy. I've been out in some pretty rough water in the Straits of Juan de Fuca, here in Washington State. Even took friends out that have 30 foot or more power boats. They were surprized that my 26X does so well in those conditions. They're only problem, was getting used to the fact there was a mast, and that the boat gets out and moves along very nicely. With the water ballast tank full, under power, the ride is smoothed out. Oh you'll get some waves over the bow, but not in the cabin. I've not had any problems there. Dodgers, are offered, as well as biminis. The dodgers are well worth the extra price at time of purchase of a new 26X. They help keep you dry and more comfortable. Check them out. If you buy a used 26X, its still worth checking out. That's the next accessory for my boat. As far as falling overboard, if you take the right precautions, hang on, and wear life jackets you'll be okay. I will not allow anyone on my boat that doesn't have one on, or refuses. The 52 degree and below, water is very unforgiving. If you can, see if you can go out on the 26X. Perhaps arrangements can be made with someone that has one close to your area. I think you'll like the experience, and also dispell concerns you may have. Since you have sailed your Chrysler Buccaneer in not so good conditions, I believe you will be pleasantly suprized. Good Luck, and Fair Winds to you.

Doug Faigel

Cockpit enclosure

A full cockpit enclosure can be added to the Mac. These are after market products that are available from a number of dealers. As for falling out, with the lifelines I think falling overboard in all but the most extreme conditions is unlikely, and certainly no more likely than on any other sailboat. Cockpit is self bailing so swamping is not a problem. Have not heard of water getting into the cabin from waves (just rain).


Lower door?

So how does the cabin door close? Is there a separate board that goes below the sliding hatch, or does it hinge down from the hatch? I haven’t seen a picture of that door closed up, so I’m just wondering.

Ron Kovacs

Lake Erie Sailing

On second trip out with my new Mac26X took it from Grosse Ile MI to Monroe and trip of about 35 miles. Great beam sail to Monroe with winds from SW. On return, wind shifted to out of NE and waves built to a rythmic 4 foot level. Very gusty winds with full fetch over the lake. Mac26x did beautifully...quartering the waves under power with full ballast and speed of about 6 knots per GPS. Never got wet...never out-of-control or least bit scary! Considering I had little experience this far out into lake and none with this really happy with new boat!
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