Weather Helm

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I have what I consider to be a severe 'Weather Helm'. A 8-10-12 Knots winds, Jib and a two reef on Main, I cannot stop that bow from turning into the wind If the Main is not quickly eased out, I will go for a 360 spin. While that's fun, my poor passengers start screaming, either by fear or because they were hit twice by the boom, once through the tucking stage, and a second time by the following jyb. This doesn't concern me much, but worst, they think this is my first time out sailing. That's not true, I have been out at least 5 times, so I'm very experienced!!!!! Kidding aside, I will appreciate any suggestions. Boat, MacGregor 26, dagger board. Thank You Maurice


See the post about a improved rudder.

Maurice, I too have the same boat and have done the whirling dance myself under gusting conditions. The solution seems to be the improved rudder design. See the post in this forum titled to "Is there a market for improved rudders for mac26s?" Also you can see more info at another site with a similar forum here: I'm currently in the process of making and testing a commercial version of this new rudder design and will eventually post here when I have it worked out and ready for sale.


Bad Rudders

The 87-95 Macs have a tendency to round up in puffs or gusts with more force than the rudder can handle. The problem is more pronounced in the 88 and 89 daggerboard models. Reducing the heeling force will help, such as reefing the main. The best solution is a more balanced rudder. A long rudder that is wider with a more balanced center of rotation will bring balance back to your boat and make it a pleasure to sail.


Thank you Mike / Tom

Thank you both for your fast response. You all seem to agree that the rudder needs improvements. I will start with small adjustments on that until a proven design is available on the market.

Curtiss Grant

360 Spin!

I recently acquired a 26Ss which had a 'larger rudder' installed but I still experienced a couple of 360's. I still hate those things!!! EVEN the thought of them!!! I found that I was not getting the rudder pulled far enought foreward. Even a couple of inches makes a big different. The connection swell clamp on the cable was getting caught in the vertical cable tube and would not let the rudder to be pulled completely forward. After replacing the cable, the rudder moved forward and the helm was dramatically improved. I would double check that possibility. Good Luck

steve purchiaroni

the rudder is to small on the 26d you need to add about another 50% to the foward edge of the rudder and it doesn't hurt to add a few inches to the length
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