Water tank cleaning

Sep 10, 2024
Bavaria 36 Cambridge
I have a 2003 Bavaria 36. The bow water t
ank was not maintained by the previous owner and has a significant scum ring around the perimeter of the tank. There's no way to reach the surface in most parts of the tank. Is there any treatment that will dissolve the scum buildup? Thanks in advance.
Dec 2, 1997
- - LIttle Rock
See the post "Recommission the freshwater system" in the Plumbing and Sanitation forum...it's a "sticky" near the top. And while you're there grab the "Winterizing Plumbing" post...it's that time of year.

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Sep 10, 2024
Bavaria 36 Cambridge
See the post "Recommission the freshwater system" in the Plumbing and Sanitation forum...it's a "sticky" near the top. And while you're there grab the "Winterizing Plumbing" post...it's that time of year.

Thanks Peggie. I've read the post and the associated threads. I don't see a mention of whether the scum on the side of the tank will be dissolved by the bleach solution. Will it and if not, is there a solution that will, or is it not an issue once the tank has been sanitized? Frankly I don't like the idea of the scum remaining in clean water even if the mold and bacteria is "dead".
Sep 2, 2024
Catalina 30 Petoskey
I was just asking this same question over on the Marine Plumbing & Sanitation thread. My plan is to buy a specialty adapter for my pressure washer (say with a 90 degree or so bend) that should hopefully allow me spray around the inside the tank. My tanks have access ports on the top of them so I can at least get something in there. Not sure yet if I'll be able to get to all the gunk though.

If successful I was thinking of just flushing the tanks for a while and pumping the water directly overboard. Then proceed with the bleach solution after that.

Wasn't sure if this was a reasonable plan or not but it sounds like others have tried it so maybe... Of course it requires you to have access to the inside of the tanks.

Sep 10, 2024
Bavaria 36 Cambridge
I was just asking this same question over on the Marine Plumbing & Sanitation thread. My plan is to buy a specialty adapter for my pressure washer (say with a 90 degree or so bend) that should hopefully allow me spray around the inside the tank. My tanks have access ports on the top of them so I can at least get something in there. Not sure yet if I'll be able to get to all the gunk though.

If successful I was thinking of just flushing the tanks for a while and pumping the water directly overboard. Then proceed with the bleach solution after that.

Wasn't sure if this was a reasonable plan or not but it sounds like others have tried it so maybe... Of course it requires you to have access to the inside of the tanks.

The challenge with my tanks is that they are irregularly shaped and only have one opening so there's no way to get to all the surfaces. I suppose the only option, short of removing and replacing them - too much work, is to bleach them and not use them for drinking water.